國立臺灣師範大學翻譯研究所廖柏森2015-07-032015-07-032010/08-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73725翻譯研究在全球迅速發展,過去廿年來各國高等教育機構紛紛設立翻譯系所訓練 專業口筆譯員。而為了增進訓練成效,翻譯教學的研究也逐漸受到重視。但是現 時國內的翻翻譯教學附屬於外語教學的一環,用以增進學生的外語技能。以翻譯 作為一門專業學科在課堂上教授的期間並不長,教師向來缺乏理論指引和教學訓 練,致使其教學行為的系統性不足,在課程設計、教法實施、教材選擇以及評量 方式上大多是基於個人的翻譯經驗和教學直覺,導致翻譯課程的成效不彰,也造 成學生學習翻譯的動機低落。要改善國內翻譯教學的困境,亟需從改變教師的理 論認知、教學方法和研究訓練入手,而提供讓教師學習參考的專業書籍應是有效 的開端。國內目前並沒有針對翻譯教師在教學研究上所需的專書,筆者計劃撰寫 此專書的主要目的就是想要針對國內翻譯教學的困境,從理論、實務和研究三個 層面分別釐清翻譯教學的理念和提出解決問題的建議。全書內容將整合翻譯理 論、翻譯教學理論、教學實務與研究方法四大主題。研究方式將透過國內外大量 研究文獻的分析整理和筆者課堂內的實證觀察討論,作為本專書的撰寫依據,而 且論述均要求具有實證研究結果的支持,以提高此專書內容的效度和信度。此書 之撰寫也希望能提醒國內學界對翻譯教學理論、實務和研究活動的重視,發出自 主的學術言談和論述聲音,而不要過度依賴國外和中國大陸進口的翻譯教材和研 究文獻。最後本書更期待能提升國內翻譯教學之品質,為社會培育更多翻譯人才。With the rapid development of the discipline of translation studies around the globe, the last two decades have seen a dramatic increase in translation institutes and programs at many universities in different countries for training professional translators and interpreters. In order to enhance training effectiveness, growing research attention is being paid to the issues of translation teaching. In Taiwan, however, translation teaching has long been a part of foreign language curriculum used to improve students’ language skills. Teaching translation as an academic discipline is a relatively new attempt and usually not carried out in a systematic fashion. In fact, most teachers are in a desperate need for theoretical guidance and practical training. Currently, a lot of teachers’curriculum design, teaching approaches, materials selection and assessment methods are mostly based on their personal translation experience and intuitive sense, resulting in unsatisfactory teaching results and a large number of less motivated students. To turn the situation around, it is essential for translation teachers to change their perspectives on translation theories and to train themselves to employ more systematic teaching techniques and research methods. A good start may be to provide these teachers with a well-organized, theory-based resource book. So far, no such type of book in teaching and researching translation is written specifically for translation teachers in Taiwan. Therefore, the major purpose for me to plan to write this book is to address difficulties of translation teaching faced by local translation teachers. I intend to explore translation teaching from three dimensions of theory, practice and research, respectively. Moreover, I would like to clarify some misconceptions related to translation teaching, and to make suggestions for tackling problems in teaching translation. The content of this book will integrate four major themes: translation theories, translation teaching theories, teaching practices and research methods. My approach to writing this book will begin by thoroughly reading and analyzing a great number of research books and literature from home and abroad, followed by documenting my own observation of teaching process and discussion with my students in class. All the claims given in this book should be based on empirical evidence derived from research results. The support from empirical work is necessary to ensure the validity and reliability of the proposed teaching methods and research activities contained in this book. The writing of this book also hopes to call for more attention on the issues of translation teaching theories, teaching approaches and research methods which have long been ignored by local translation scholars and researchers. We need to voice concern about our own translation pedagogy, rather than over-reliance on imports of translation textbooks and research literature from foreign countries and mainland China. Finally, the book also looks forward to enhancing the effectiveness of translation teaching in our country as well as to nurturing more qualified translators for our society.翻譯教案翻譯教學理論翻譯教學方法translation lesson planstranslation teaching theoriestranslation teaching methods翻譯教學理論、實務與研究Theories, Practices and Research Methods of Translation Teaching