林逢祺洪仁進Ferng-Chyi LinRen-Jin Horng蘇致嫺Su, Chih Hsien2019-08-282009-10-262019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695000178%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90122西蒙娜‧薇依(Simone Weil)哲學思想及其教育蘊義 摘要 本研究旨在研究法國哲學家西蒙娜‧薇依(Simone Weil)哲學思想中的教育蘊意,並對薇依思想中的核心—關注(attention)概念之內涵加以分析,希望藉此能提供國內教育境況一些啟示。 本研究目的為: 一、呈述薇依思想背景脈絡,並探究其思想淵源。 二、分析薇依哲學思想重點,共可分為人與人、人與社會。 三、探究薇依哲學思想中的核心概念在教育上之意義。 四、詮釋薇依哲學思想與其教育實踐在教學上的轉化。 本研究結論包括: 一、薇依之哲學思想受到柏拉圖思想、馬克思主義之啟迪、宗教上則傾向新柏拉圖主義。 二、薇依之哲學思想以關注為核心概念,其聯繫了人與人、人與社會之間的關係,同時亦作為人之對外互動與對內自省的重要途徑。 三、薇依所提之關注概念可作為提升師生關係的重要關鍵,亦可提供作為教師教學之啟示。Abstract The purposes of this thesis aim at exploring the educational thoughts in Simone Weil’s philosophical idea, and analyzing the core concept in Weil’s thought, attention. The purposes of this thesis are: 1.Relate the background and context of Weil’s thoughts, and investigate its originality. 2.Analyze the main aspects of Weil’s philosophical thoughts, which include the relationship between individuals, and the relationship between the individual and the society. 3.Exploring the core concept of Weil’s philosophical thoughts and its key position in her thoughts. 4.Draw out the implications of Weil’s philosophical thoughts and her educational praxis; and interpret them as some inspiration in teaching. The conclusions of the thesis include: 1.Weil’s thoughts are affected by Platoism, Marxism, and the Neo-Platoism. 2.The core concept in Weil’s thoughts, attention, connects the relation between individuals and society, and it is not only the key factor in the interaction with others, but as so in the personal introspect. 3.The concept of attention can be the essentiality, and also it ca be the idea that practice teaching art.西蒙娜‧薇依關注Simone Weilattention西蒙娜‧薇依(Simone Weil)哲學思想及其教育蘊義The Philosophical Thought of Simone Weil and Its Implications for Education