國立臺灣師範大學圖文傳播學系王燕超2014-10-302014-10-302005-12-011023-4438http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/36753虛擬製作系統是一項新興的電視節目開發科技,自1990年起虛擬製作系統逐漸朝向商業化發展以來,這項具有即時處理與整合資訊呈現與傳送功能的技術,一直是電視節目製作者所引頸企盼的,理論上它應該是獨領風騷且備受青睞;然而事實並不盡然,這項嶄新的藝術與技術的創新,卻因為專業度與複雜度的增加,使其在發展和推廣上受到阻礙,僅能以一個緩步成長的趨勢在產業界發展。本文旨在介紹虛擬製作系統技術內含與發展特性,並對國內外以虛擬製作系統進行相關節目製作應用的現況進行比較分析,以供做為未來發展應用之參考。Virtual studio system is a new technology of TV industry. This technology has the function of real-time processing and information integration which TV produces are expecting since 1990. Theoretically, it is unique and is supposed to be the most popular technology on TV production. However, there are boundaries of developing virtual studio system because it requires more professional competency and techniques in content production. This phenomenon causes difficulty in developing this new technology, thus it is still in a beginning infancy stage in video production. The purpose of this paper is to analyze virtual studio system and its functions and features for future use reference.虛擬製作系統攝影機追蹤詮釋資料Virtual studio systemCamera trackingMetadata虛擬製作系統之技術發展與影視節目現況分析