林玉雲Yu-Yun Lin2014-10-272014-10-272005-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15247本文試就「中央研究院歷史語言研究所珍藏歷史文物數位典藏計畫考古分項計畫」所發之Metadata-Archaeodata與歐美博物館及美術館界著稱的Metadata「標準視覺資源學會該心類目(Visual Resources Association,VRA Core Categories)」以及「藝術品描述類目(Categories for the Description of Works of Art, CDWA)」進行比較研究。 作者從三種Metadata的發展背景、類目定義及結構等貢目進行比對及分析,研究木發現,三者之間存在著適用數位化描述的對象、類目的語義、類目的結構等多項差異,是博物館間藏品資訊互通及互享工作應重視的課題。比較分析的結果提供國內參與數位化機構Metadata常定與修訂之參考,文末並提出臺灣地區數位典藏系統聯合目錄系統建置之若干建議事項。This article compares three metadata standards in the industry: Archaeodata developed by the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, VRA Core Categories by Visual Resources Association, and Categories for the Description of Works of Art. The author discusses the backgrounds, definitions, and structures of the three metadata standards, and points out that significant differences exist among these standards in terms of object description, semantics, and structures. These differences may introduce incompatibilities for the museum community in providing cross-databases searching. Results presented in this article can be used as guidelines for future metadata structuring. Some suggestions for “Union Catalog Project of National Digital Archives Program” are also included.比較研究視覺資源學會核心類目藝術品描述類目詮釋資料標準數位典藏國家型科技計畫Comparative methodVRA coreCDWAMetadata standardNational digital archives programArchaeodataVRA Core、CDWA與Archaeodata比較研究初探A Comparative Study of the VRA Core, CDWA and Archaeodata