鄧守信王瓊淑Chiung-shu Wang2019-08-282007-8-302019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0690240072%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86335現代漢語人稱代詞的語義、語篇和社會語用功能探討 中文摘要 關鍵字:指代系統、人稱代詞、無定代詞、非典範用法、禮貌原則 在現代漢語的教學當中,人稱代詞是著墨較少的一個範疇,因為一般認為,所有的語言系統都存在指代系統,而它們的基本語義和功能也大體相通,因此不會是學習的難點。但教學實務卻顯示,學習者在使用漢語的人稱代詞時仍會出現偏誤。本論文以母語為英語的學習者為主要研究對象,希望藉此了解英、漢兩個語言系統的人稱代詞在語義、語篇乃至社會語用功能等層面的異同。 本文首先由句法和語義的角度探討人稱代詞的定義,並據以主張「大家」、「人家」、「別人」、「人」等部份語言學家稱為「類代詞」(pro-nominals)、漢語語言學家稱為「無定代詞」的詞彙之非典範用法(non-canonical uses),乃至不具指別(non-deicitc)和照應(non-anaphoric)功能的「零形式」(zero pronoun)都應當納入漢語人稱代詞的系統討論,方能完整呈現漢語人稱代詞的風貌。 母語者的語料顯示,漢語指代詞的每一個成員都是多義詞。此外,部份成員是可以互換使用的。換言之,說話者可能使用同一個指代詞來指稱不同的對象,也可能使用不同的指代詞來指稱同樣的指稱對象。 本文逐一檢視漢語的人稱代詞,探討它們在語言使用的每一個層面所承擔的功能。在參照社會--語用與語篇分析學者的理論,筆者主張說話者之所以選用某個人稱代詞來擔任指稱的工作,主要是出自社會-語用和語體(register)的考量。前者的重點在於說話者如何適切地傳遞他對自身與聽話者、乃至未參與言談事件的第三者親疏關係的界定,並援用各種策略,設法保全自身和聽話者的面子;後者則是說話者如何透過語體的選用來界定言談事件的正式程度。 本文希望透過這樣的討論,能對漢語母語者如何使用人稱代詞提供較完整且深入的描繪,並且指出英、漢語使用人稱代詞的差異之處,以作為教學的參考。An Investigation on the Semantics and Discoursal& Socio-pragmatic Functions of Personal Pronouns in Mandarin Chinese Abstract Keywords:deixis、personal pronouns、indefinite pronouns、non-canonical uses、principle of politeness Personal pronouns are by no means a hot topic in the realm of pedagogical grammar, because it is generally assumed that since deixis exist in all languages, learners are cognitively well-formed to master the deictic system of a second language. However, in learners’ corpus, errors do occur. Many factors, be they semantic or socio-pragmatic, contribute to the errors. To gain a better understanding of the similarities and differences between the deictic systems of English and Mandarin, this thesis starts by identifying the members of Mandarin personal pronouns, and points out that the so-called “indefinite pronouns”, such as dajia, renjia, bieren and ren as well as the zero pronoun should be considered part of the personal pronoun system. Only so will be the picture complete. Investigation into native speakers’ corpus shows that all the members of the deictic system in Mandarin are polysemous. Moreover, some of them are interchangeable. That is, speakers may use the same pronoun to refer to different referents, while the same referent(s) can be referred to by different pronouns. This thesis looks at each and every members of the deictic family in Mandarin, identifies their functions in the different levels of language use. Based on the theories proposed by socio-linguists and discourse analysts, this thesis suggests that speakers choose one pronoun over the other, bearing mainly in mind two ends: to properly identify the social distance between the speaker(s) and the hearer(s) and even their relationship between the third party(s) mentioned, and, by applying all kinds of strategies, try hard to save the face(s) of the speaker himself and the hearer. At the same time, the speaker also tries to choose a register that properly carries out the degree of formality that the speaker would like to express in the speech event. It is hoped that this investigation will bring some insight to the understanding of differences between English and Mandarin deictic systems, and help teachers in presenting the related materials.禮貌原則指別系統人稱代詞無定代詞非典範用法priciple of politenessdeixispersonal pronounsindefinite pronounsnon-canonical uses現代漢語人稱代詞的語義、語篇和社會語用功能探討An Investigation on the Semantics and Discoursal& Socio-pragmatic Functions of Personal Pronouns in Mandarin Chinese