葉國樑Yeh, Gwo-Liang翁玉玲Weng, Yu-Ling2022-06-082026-11-012022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/0a8a22f23140a69dbca98533df8a9934/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117670本研究以「高中生PM2.5防治教育2D卡通動畫影片課程」(本研究簡稱:動畫影片課程)做介入工具,探討高齡者在PM2.5防治知識、環境敏感度、PM2.5防治態度、PM2.5防治行為意圖的影響,並了解此課程的介入成效。首先,本研究對大台北地區(新北市與台北市)高齡者進行現況調查研究,採隨機取樣,發出問卷437份,回收有效問卷419份,回收率為95.88%,其中新北市有269份、台北市有150份有效問卷。其次,根據調查結果進行動畫影片課程介入性研究,採隨機取樣與準實驗設計,以新北市高齡者為研究對象,實驗組人數為31人、對照組人數為54人,共計85人,實驗組為動畫影片課程介入、對照組則為無介入任何課程。統計方法採百分比、皮爾森積差相關、t檢定、複迴歸分析等。介入研究後,針對實驗組進行動畫影片課程訪談,訪談內容包含:影片內容、影片播放速度與節奏、影片色彩、音效、其他建議。本研究結果如下:一、大台北地區(新北市與台北市)現況調查研究:(一) 大台北地區(新北市與台北市)高齡者PM2.5相關因素整體現況調查研究:整體PM2.5知識方面平均:10.24分;整體PM2.5防治態度:4.61分;整體環境敏感度:4.59分;PM2.5防治行為意圖:4.76分。PM2.5相關因素整體現況趨向於正向與積極。(二) 新北市與台北市高齡者在PM2.5相關因素比較:在PM2.5知識方面新北市低於台北市,具有顯著差異;在PM2.5防治態度、環境敏感度、PM2.5防治行為意圖,新北市與台北市的高齡者皆無顯著差異。因此,選擇新北市做動畫影片課程介入。二、新北市動畫影片課程介入性研究:(一)實驗組在動畫影片課程介入影片後,PM2.5知識、環境敏感度、PM2.5防治行為意圖,皆有顯著成效,PM2.5防治態度無顯著成效。(二)對照組在無動畫影片課程介入,在PM2.5知識、環境敏感度、PM2.5防治態度、PM2.5防治行為意圖皆無顯著成效。(三)實驗組在PM2.5知識、環境敏感度、PM2.5防治行為意圖皆優於對照組。(四)現況調查中,PM2.5知識、環境敏感度、PM2.5防治態度對PM2.5防治行為意圖之整體預測力為15.5%,且PM2.5知識、PM2.5防治態度對PM2.5防治行為意圖有顯著影響。(五)實驗組介入後訪談:(1)影片內容方面:大多可以看得懂,貼近高齡者日常生活,能提供空氣污染的相關防治方法,但內容太過於形式化。專有名詞的陳述語句要更簡單化讓高齡者更易了解。(2)節奏與速度方面:人物講話速度較快,贅詞很多。(3)影片色彩:使用投影機呈現的大螢幕畫質解析度差。(4)音效:背景音樂跟講話內容要分開。(5)其他建議:可以增加台語版,影片總播放時間最好5~8分鐘。Our study uses the"High School Students PM2.5 prevention education 2D cartoon animation film course" (abbreviation: animation film course) as an intervention instrument to explore the relationships of PM2.5 knowledge, environmental sensitivity, PM2.5 preventive attitude, and PM2.5 preventive behavioral intentions, and exams the effectiveness of the intervention of animation film course. First, this study conducted a survey on the current situation of senior citizens in the Great Taipei area (New Taipei City and Taipei City). Random sampling was used. 437 questionnaires were sent out and 419 valid questionnaires were collected. The response rate was 95.88%, of which 269 were in New Taipei City and 150 were in Taipei City. Secondly, according to the survey results, an interventional study of the animation film course was implemented. Random sampling and quasi-experimental design were adopted. The elderly in New Taipei City were random sampling as the research object. The experimental group was 31 people and the control group was 54 people, a total sample of 85 people. The experimental group for the animation film course intervention, the control group has no intervention. Statistical methods include percentage, Pearson correlation, t test, multiple regression analysis. After intervening in the research, we conducted an animation film course interview for the experimental group. The outline of the interview included: film content, film playback speed and rhythm, film color, sound effects, and other suggestions. The results of this study are as follows:I. Investigation on the current situation of the Great Taipei area (New Taipei City and Taipei City):(1) A survey on the overall status of PM2.5 related factors amongsenior citizens in the Great Taipei area (New Taipei City and Taipei City): overall average PM2.5 knowledge: 10.24 points; overall PM2.5 prevention and control attitude: 4.61 points; overall environmental sensitivity: 4.59 points; PM2.5 preventive behavior intention: 4.76 points. The overall current situation of PM2.5 related factors tends to be positive.(2) Comparison of PM2.5 related factors between elderly people in New Taipei City and Taipei City: New Taipei City is significantly lower than Taipei City in terms of PM2.5 knowledge; There is no significant difference in PM2.5 control attitude, environmental sensitivity and PM2.5 preventive behavior intention between New Taipei City and Taipei City. Therefore, our study chose New Taipei City as intervention research of the animation film course.II. Intervention Research of Animation Film Curriculum in New Taipei City:(1) After the experimental group intervened in the animation film course, the PM2.5 knowledge, environmental sensitivity, and PM2.5 preventive behavior intentions, all had significant results, while the PM2.5 preventive attitudes had no significant effects.(2) The control group has no significant results in PM2.5 knowledge, environmental sensitivity, PM2.5 preventive attitude, and PM2.5 preventive behavior intention.(3) The experimental group is significantly better than the control group in PM2.5 knowledge, environmental sensitivity, and PM2.5 preventive behavior intentions.(4) In the current situation survey research, the overall predictive power of PM2.5 knowledge, environmental sensitivity, and PM2.5 preventive attitude towards PM2.5 preventive behavior intention is 15.5%, also, PM2.5 knowledge and PM2.5 preventive attitude is significantly influence to PM2.5 preventive behavior intentions.III. Interview after the experimental group's intervention: (1) In terms of film content: most of the films content are understandable, which are close to the daily life of the elderly, and can provide relevant air pollution prevention methods, but the display style is too formal. terminology should be simpler to make it easier for the elderly to understand. (2) In terms of rhythm and speed: the characters speak faster and have a lot of redundant words. (3) Video color: The large screen displayed by the projector has poor quality and resolution. (4) Sound effect: film should separate background music from speech content. (5) Other suggestions: The Taiwanese version is preferred, and the total playing time of the film better control in 5~8 minutes.動畫影片課程PM2.5知識環境敏感度PM2.5防治態度PM2.5防治行為意圖Animated film coursePM2.5 knowledgeenvironmental sensitivityPM2.5 preventive attitudePM2.5 preventive behavior intention探討使用PM2.5防治教育2D卡通動畫影片課程介入高齡者防治行為意圖成效Exploring the effectiveness of prevention and behavior intentions of the elderly with the intervention of PM2.5 prevention education 2D cartoon animation film courses學術論文