張育愷Chang, Yu-Kai蔡淑祺TSAI, Shu-Chi2023-12-082023-08-132023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/aa3b6d3bba023533aad1d316573a597b/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121473中年族群為未來老化主要人口,且認知功能也在此時期開始漸漸下降,因此如何改善或預防認知功能退化是需要被關注之議題。一些研究指出,中強度有氧運動對中年人認知功能確實可產生效益,另外,血清中β-羥基丁酸 (βOHB) 對工作記憶可以產生積極的效益,但對於其餘認知領域仍鮮少被討論。因此,本研究目的為探討中鏈脂肪酸補充與單次有氧健身運動對於抑制控制、P3振幅之影響。本研究共招募40位中年族群,依組內平衡設計隨機進行三種情境,有氧健身運動、中鏈脂肪酸補充與影片觀賞。使用二因子混合變異數分析檢測抑制控制任務表現、P3振幅與酮體濃度變化。本研究結果顯示,有氧健身運動情境與控制情境相比,抑制控制有顯著進步,中鏈脂肪酸補充則沒有發現相同效益;P3振幅在三種情境沒有顯著差異,N450則在有氧情境有顯著效益;βOHB在中鏈脂肪酸補充後有顯著提升。整體而言,單次20分鐘中等強度有氧健身運動可以做為中年族群提升抑制控制之運動模式,然而單次20公克中鏈脂肪酸補充不具有同等效益。The middle-aged is the main population of the future aging, and cognitive function also starts to decline during this period, so how to improve or prevent cognitive degeneration is an important issue. Some studies suggest that moderate-intensity aerobic exercise has benefits in middle-aged adults, and that beta-hydroxybutyric acid (βOHB) has positive benefits on working memory, but rarely been discussed for the remaining cognitive domains. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of medium-chain fatty acid supplementation and acute aerobic exercise on inhibitory control, P3 amplitude. In this study, 40 middle-aged individuals were recruited and randomized to three session, aerobic exercise (AE), medium-chain fatty acid supplementation (MCT), and movie viewing (CON), in a within group counter balanced design. Inhibitory control, P3 amplitude and βOHB were analyzed separately with 2- way mixed variance analysis. The results of this study showed that AE showed a significant improvement in inhibitory control compared to the CON, while the same benefit was not found in MCT; P3 amplitude no significantly different among the three session, N450 amplitude significantly improved in AE; βOHB showed significantly increases after MCT. Overall, acute 20 mins moderate aerobic exercise can improve inhibitory control, however, single 20 grams MCT supplement does not provide the same benefits.中年人單次運動酮體認知表現事件關聯電位middle-agedacute exerciseketone bodycognitive functionevent-related potential單次有氧健身運動及中鏈脂肪酸補充對中年人抑制控制之影響:事件關聯電位研究Effect of Acute Aerobic Exercise and MCT Supplement on Inhibition Control in Middle-aged Adults: An Event-Related Potential Studyetd