楊國賜黃光男謝文和2019-08-292003-8-252019-08-292003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2003000357%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92533因應終身學習社會的建立,多元文化社會的形成,資訊社會的來臨,知識經濟的挑戰,博物館的蓬勃發展等背景,成人漸成為博物館的主流觀眾。了解成人在博物館的學習,有助於成人教育之發展、教育改革的推動及博物館政策之擬訂,爰進行本研究。本研究的目的如下: 一、 探討學習理論的脈絡及主張,以及博物館學習的模式。 二、 探討博物館的成人學習角色。 三、 探討成人在博物館的學習動機、行為、策略。 四、 探討成人在博物館的學習與生活經驗應用的關係。 五、 從建構主義的學習觀點探討促進博物館成人學習的策略。 本研究旨在探討博物館之成人觀眾如何描述學習經驗,採用個案研究法(case study)、深度訪談( deep interview )、焦點團體法(focus group )等方法。 本研究獲致結論如次: 一、 建構主義學習是新典範 二、 建構主義學習是博物館的新挑戰 三、 成人的經驗與自我概念影響其在博物館之學習 四、 博物館未鼓勵成人主動學習,以致成人在博物館陳現被動的行為 五、 考古學博物館對成人不能產生立即應用的學習效果 六、 參觀博物館是成人的一種插曲式經驗 七、 參觀博物館是許多成人生涯中的重要事件 八、 參觀博物館兼具休閒與學習的經驗 九、 物件是博物館學習的公共財 十、 先備知識與經驗是成人在博物館學習的基石十一、 博物館展示與學習活動應與成人生經驗聯結 十二、 意義建構是博物館成人學習的核心 十三、 一次的博物館參觀難以使成人的觀點轉換,時間向度是博物館學習仍無法解決的議題 十四、 建構主義博物館之發展尚未臻完善 十五、 建構主義模式之博物館成人學習是一個二向度三階段的連續過程 根據結論,提出以下建議: 一、 對博物館的建議 (一)、促進成人學習方面:提供機會使觀眾能將博物館經驗與其日常生活聯結;允許成人學習者使用自己的學習偏好型態與學習策略;提供多重的學習出入點,以供成人觀眾自由選擇;增強成人的先備知識與經驗;鼓勵成人主動參與博物館經驗;鼓勵觀眾建構意義、批判與反省;提供休閒愉悅的經驗;延伸成人學習經驗。 (二)、經營策略方面:加強行銷, 博物館與休閒產業結合,進行策略聯盟。 (三)、博物館運作方面:明定博物館教育政策與任務;適時調整組織結構;發展博物館成為學習型組織。 二、 對政府的建議:訂定博物館法及博物館教育政策;成立博物館事業發展委員會;審慎評估博物館核心業務之委外經營;注意博物館學習落差;確實執行文化資產保存法;培養國人博物館素養與人文素養;加強博物館人員的在職進修與養成教育。In order to reflect the establishment of lifelong learning society, formation of multi-dimensional society, incoming of high-technology society, and the prosperity of museum development, adults have become the main source of visitors to museums. The understanding that adults’ learning from museums can in turn propel the development of adult education, impel the development of new education policy and formation of museum policy has very much enhanced this study. The purpose of this study is the following: 1. Survey the academic theories and the modules of museum learning. 2. Survey the roles of museums in adult learning. 3. Survey the adult learning motives, behaviors and strategies in museums. 4. Survey the relationship between adult learning in museums and application on experience. 5. Survey from the viewpoint of constructive principal scheme in turn promotes adult learning in museums. The main purpose of this study are to utilize case study, deep interview, focus group approaches to understand how adult visitors to museums describe their learning experiences. Through the techniques described above, the followings can be found: 1. Self-willed learning in Adult visitors to the National Prehistoric Museum is not strong. 2. The experiences learning from archaeology museums cannot immediately applied in daily life nor can it make any drastic changes. 3. Adult visitors have not obtained enough knowledge on archaeology that influenced learning in the prehistoric museum. 4. ?? 5. It is greatly difficult for prehistoric museum to even produce new ideas in visitors with only one visit that there is no need to mention changing their concepts. 6. This study proposes museum’s constructive principal learning module is a two way tri-level adult learning process. The following conclusion can be made: 1. Constructive principal is the new module. 2. Constructive principal is a new challenge to museums. 3. Personal experience and personal ideas in adults will influence their learning in museums. 4. Museums did not encourage learning that induced adults to be passive visitors. 5. Archaeology museum does not produce an immediate learning effect. 6. To adult visitors to museums, the visiting experience is episodic. 7. Visiting museums is one of the most important events in one’s life. 8. Visiting the museum is both leisure and learning experience. 9. ?? 10. Prepared knowledge and experience are the foundation for museum learning. 11. The exhibition in museum and learning activities should be combined with adult experiences. 12. Giving some meanings is the core of adult learning in museums. 13. One time visit will not change adult’s view points, ?? 14. Development of constructive principal museum has not yet ripened. 15. Constructive principal module of adult learning in museum is a two-way tri-leveled process.博物館成人學習建構主義博物館成人學習之研究建構主義觀點-以國立臺灣史前文化博物館為例