國立臺灣師範大學工業教育學系徐昊杲鍾怡慧2014-10-302014-10-302003-06-011812-3112http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/35057本研究旨於了解我國技專校院學生電腦素養之現況,並且分析影響技專校院學生電腦素養之成因,採取描述研究法,利用問卷調查收集技專校院學生電腦素養狀況,以及實施區分性向測驗,測得學生的部分性向能力分數。首先透過文獻探討,以瞭解技專校院學生應有的電腦素養內涵,及其可能影響的相關因素,據以設計電腦素養問卷,經由預試修正後,編製成正式的問卷,其中包括四部分:影響成因、電腦素養測驗卷(含電腦認知及電腦技能)、電腦態度量表(含自信心、喜歡及焦慮),以及區別性向測驗卷(含數字推理、抽象雅理及空問關係)。本研究隨機施測7所公私立技專校院,發出問卷600份,實際回收7所學校,回收問卷484份,回收率為80.6%;資料透過平均數、標準差、信度分析、因素分析、皮爾森積差相關、單一樣本t考驗、單因子多變量變異數分析等統計方法進行分析。 本研究獲致主要結論如下: 一、我國技專校院學生在電腦素養的表現上,電腦認知方面較為突出,而電腦技能方面則接近於平均水準。而電腦態度方面則以自信層面表現最好,其次是喜歡層面,最低是焦慮層面。 二、影響技專校院學生電腦認知的相關因素方面: 1.性向能力因素:數字誰理、抽象雅理、空間關係。 2.個人背景因素:性別、就讀學制。 3.電腦經驗因素:曾學習過系統軟體數目、曾學習過應用軟體數目及學習過程式語言數目。 4.電腦使用狀況因素:是否曾設計過個人網頁及使用電腦的主要用途數目。 三、影響技專校院學生電腦技能的相關因素方面: 1.性向能力因素:數字推理。 2.電腦經驗因素:學習過程式語言數目。 3.家庭電腦環境因素:父母親對子女學習電腦的態度。 4.電腦使用狀況因素:是否曾設計過個人網頁。 四、影響技專校院學生電腦態度的相關因素方面: 1.個人背景因素:性別。 2.電腦使用狀況因素:每週課餘使用電腦的時問。 最後,本研究依據研究發現與結論,分別對學生、家長、學校及教育行政機關等四方面,對提升技專校院學生電腦素養及後續研究提出建議。This research was a descriptive research. The research used questionnaire survey to collect related data about current situation of computer literacy of students in University/College and Junior College of Technology, and executed Differential Aptitude Tests (DAT) to obtain aptitude scores of students. After literature review was conducted to understand the content of computer literacy that the student in University/College and Junior College of Technology should possess and find out the factor about affecting computer literacy, the original questionnaire was designed. Through executing pilot test, using obtained data to modify original questionnaire. Finally, the formal questionnaire is established and composed of four parts: factors, computer literacy tests (including computer cognitions and skills), the inventory of attitude towards computer (including computer confidence, liking and anxiety). and DAT (including number reasoning, abstract reasoning and space relationship). The survey of research was performed on 7 public or private University/College and Junior College of Technology. 600 questionnaires was posted. A total of 484 effective questionnaires were returned from 7 schools, the recovery rate was approximately 80.6%. The statistical methods used in this research included means, standard deviation, reliability analysis, factor analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation. One sample t-test, Oneway multivariate analysis of variance (oneway MANOVA). The major conclusions of this research were as follows: 1. In the aspect of computer literacy of students in University/College and Junior College of Technology, computer cognitions are higher than average level, but computer skills were poorer than average level. As for computer attitude, the score on computer confidence is higher than computer liking, which are higher than computer anxiety. 2. In the aspect of affecting computer cognitions of students in University/College and Junior College of Technology (1) aptitude: number reasoning, abstract reasoning and space relationship (2) individual background : gender. school system of study (3) computer experience : number of system software learned, number of application software learned and number of program language learned (4) habit of using computer: experience in designing personal homepage and the number of purpose of using computer 3. In the aspect of affecting computer skills of students in University/College and Junior College of Technology: (1) intelligence : number reasoning (2) computer experience : number of program language learned (3) computer environment at home : parents attitude towards the computers learning of children (4) habit of using computer: experience in designing personal homepage 4. In the aspect of affecting computer attitude of students in University/College and Junior College of Technology: (1) individual background : gender (2) habit of using computer : the times of using computer per week In finally, according to research discovery and conclusion, this research proposed some suggestions on how to improve and advance computer literacy of students in University/College and Junior College of Technology from students, parents, schools and educational administrative agencies. Moreover, It is conducted to suggest follow-up studies in the future.技專校院電腦素養性向測驗University/College and Junior College of Technologycomputer literacyAptitude test我國技專校院學生電腦素養影響因素研究