吳正己陳宏煒2019-08-292003-8-312019-08-292003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0068808022%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92632本研究的主要目的為瞭解高中電腦課程的實施現況,以提供未來課程修訂及實施的參考。研究以email方式邀請全國283所高中的381位電腦教師上網填寫問卷,總計有163位上網填寫,填答率為42.8﹪。調查結果發現,電腦授課教師以男性佔大多數(72﹪),近九成為登記合格的電腦教師,具有碩士學位(或相等資歷)、畢業自資訊相關科系約佔六成。課程實施方面發現,約80﹪的學校授課時數在72小時(課程標準建議)以上,39﹪學校開設有進階電腦課程。教師講授時數最多的單元是電腦應用及程式語言,較少的為演算法與資料結構。大部分教師(72﹪)使用Visual Basic於程式語言教學,但也有少部分的教師採用C/C++、Java/JavaScript、ASP/PHP等。大部分教師遭遇的問題以「課程時數不足」、「合法軟體不足」及「教師進修或研習的機會太少」較為嚴重。The purpose of this study is to investigate the status of computer course in senior high schools. We conducted a web survey on 381 computer teachers of 283 high schools for investigating how computer courses are currently implemented. A total of 163 (42.8%) teachers responded to our survey. The result of this survey indicated that high school computer teachers are mostly male (72%), 65% of teachers have a college degree in a computer-related area; 60% have a master’s or higher degree; 87% are certified computer teachers. As to the implementation of the course, most of high schools (80%) offer their students 72 or more hours of computer classes and 39% of schools provide advanced computer courses. Most teachers spend a majority of class hours in teaching application software and fundamental programming, but less time in algorithms and data structures. Visual Basic has been chosen by most teachers (72%) for programming instruction. Among the factors that are considered by most teachers as hindrance to a more successful implementation of computer courses in high school are: insufficient instructional hours, lack of fund for purchasing software and inadequate teacher development programs.高中電腦現況調查問卷調查high school computer coursequestionnaire surveyweb survey高中電腦課程實施現況調查A Survey on Status of Computer Course in Senior High Schools