廖邕Liao, Yung劉若蕎Liu, Jo-Chiao2019-08-282020-08-082019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0004053121%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87325本研究主要目的在探討乾癬患者身體活動、健康體位與乾癬嚴重程度之關聯性。研究問卷使用衛生福利部國民健康署所公布之「臺灣活動量調查-短版」問卷及研究者蒐集相關文獻所編製而成,採受試者自填式作答,並利用身高體重計測量受試者身體質量指數及研究者協助乾癬嚴重程度評分。研究對象為長庚醫院皮膚科乾癬患者共129位,以SPSS for Windows 22.0統計軟體進行描述性及推論性統計,並以邏輯斯迴歸為統計方法分析身體活動、健康體位與乾癬嚴重程度之關聯性。結果如下: 一、受試者乾癬嚴重程度平均值7.66 ± 7.11,輕度乾癬及中重度乾癬為 74.4%及25.6%。 二、達到身體活動建議量與乾癬嚴重程度無關聯性,但無不良習慣者達到身體活動建議量與有不良習慣者相比有顯著差異,顯示無不良習慣者較容易達到身體活動建議量。 三、將母群體分成男性及女性進行邏輯斯迴歸分析,將會發現男性健康體位與乾癬嚴重程度有顯著相關,顯示男性非健康體位罹患輕度乾癬之機率較高。另外,無慢性疾病者有健康體位與有慢性疾病者相比也有顯著差異,顯示無慢性疾病者較容易有健康體位。 四、達到身體活動建議量與健康體位對乾癬嚴重程度無合併效果,即使調整了社會人口學因素同樣無法達到顯著差異。 對於未來研究,建議可擴大研究對象蒐集範圍至全國醫院,並選取未施行任何乾癬療法之患者,減少乾癬療法對研究結果的判讀,另外,可進行縱貫性及介入性之研究,以了解各變項間之因果關係。對於實務工作,建議臨床醫護人員未來在男性乾癬患者之治療策略,將健康體位納入考量,期望能有效降低男性乾癬患者身體質量指數,使男性乾癬患者有利於體型控制在健康體位,進而減少乾癬嚴重程度。The purpose of this research was to investigate the associations of physical activity, healthy body weight with psoriasis area severity index among patients with psoriasis. A total of 129 patients with psoriasis in chang gung memorial hospital of dermatology were recruited.The data was used logistic regression to analysis. The main findings of this research were as follows: 1.The average of subjects’ psoriasis area severity index were 7.66 ± 7.11. The percentage of mild psoriasis and moderate to severe psoriasis were 74.4% and 25.6% respectively. 2.Achieving physical activity guideline was not correlated with psoriasis area severity index. But the subjects had no unhealthy habits were more likely to achieve physical activity guideline. 3.Healthy body weight of the man was correlated with psoriasis area severity index. That showed the men with no healthy body weight were more likely to suffer from mild psoriasis. In addition, the subjects had no chronic disease were more likely to achieve healthy body weight. 4.After adjusting the social and demographic factors, achieving physical activity guideline and healthy body weight were not correlated with psoriasis area severity index. Future studies are needed to target on a large number of study sample, to select patients who did not use any psoriasis therapy to reduce the interpretation of the results, and to use the longitudinal study and intervention study to realize the cause-effect relation between the variables. For health workers, it is suggested to promote healthy body weight into the patients with psoriasis treatment guideline, to reduce body mass index with psoriasis to improve psoriasis area severity index in man.乾癬患者身體活動健康體位乾癬嚴重程度patients with psoriasisphysical activityhealthy body weightpsoriasis area aeverity index乾癬患者身體活動、健康體位與乾癬嚴重程度之關聯性研究Associations of Physical Activity and Healthy Body Weight with Psoriasis Area Severity Index among Patients with Psoriasis