邱瓊慧Chiu, Chiung-Hui孫景滙Sun, Ching-Hui2019-08-292024-12-312019-08-292019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060508015E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92766本系統開發旨在建置一個結合科學探究學習與影片協同製作的行動應用程式(APP),並於APP建置完成後進行系統評估,以瞭解使用者對其滿意程度以及將其應用於實際課堂中的可行性。系統開發環境為iOS系統,以Swift3.0為開發語言,Xcode為開發工具,採取雛形演進策略為系統開發方法,並於開發過程中邀請國小高年級學生使用應用程式的第一期雛型,記錄學生操作歷程以偵測系統功能錯誤,作為第二週期雛型演進的依據。完成第二期雛型後再次邀請國小高年級學生使用APP進行科學探究學習活動以偵測系統功能錯誤、確定系統發展方向,並進行滿意度調查。待完成版本APP建置完成後,以新北市某國小28位五年級學生為參與者,進行科學探究影片製作學習活動,於活動後進行滿意度調查,並訪談3位學生以了解其對APP之看法及建議。經由使用者多次測試及系統評估結果,得知本系統可支持國小學童協同製作科學探究影片,並能提供建議給未來結合科學探究學習與影片協同製作的行動應用程式開發參考。This study aimed to develop a mobile application that integrated science inquiry learning and collaborative video production, and evaluate users’ satisfaction as well as its feasibility in classroom implementation. Based on iOS and Swift 3.0 with Xcode, the Evolutionary Prototyping Model was adopted for system development. During the development process, 27 primary school students were invited to experience the first prototype. Their log files were collected for testing and debugging and served as the basis for developing the second prototype. The students were then invited again to use the second prototype for science inquiry learning activities for further system debugging, development direction confirmation, and user satisfaction investigation. A total of 28 fifth graders in a primary school in XinBei City used the final version of the application for science inquiry. User satisfaction after using the application was collected and three students were further interviewed to understand their perceptions and suggestions concerning the application. The results from users’ multiple testing and system evaluation indicated that the application effectively supported primary school students’ co-production of science inquiry videos. The findings also provide reference for future mobile application development concerning combining science inquiry learning and collaborative video production.科學探究學習影片協同製作行動學習影片協同製作行動應用程式science inquiry learningcollaborative video productionmobile learningvideo co-production mobile application結合科學探究學習與影片協同製作行動應用程式之開發與評估Development and Evaluation of a Mobile Application with Integration of Science Inquiry Learning and Collaborative Video Production