柯皓仁Ke, Hao-Ren劉一萱Liu, I-Chuan2024-12-172024-08-132024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/3ce11c934d172368edbb5439051d5ce6/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122415本研究主旨在應用繪本融入國小六年級學生食農校育,以探討設計食農教育相關系列課程方案,學生對於課程的學習成效及教師的專業能力成長。本研究以研究者所任教的學校-永續國小,六年級學生為實施對象,該所小學位處偏遠地區,班級組成人數不多,有男生7人,女生2人,共9位學生,課程方案設計為期八週,共計16節課。本研究採行動研究法的精神,依循計劃(Plan)、行動(Act)、觀察(Observe)、反省(Reflect)這四個步驟的歷程,探討繪本融入國小六年級學生食農教育之學習歷程,分析學生學習狀況和研究者在行動歷程中的專業成長。根據研究結果,本研究歸納出以下五項結論:(一) 繪本融入食農課程在六年級食農教育上具有成效。(二) 「先閱讀後實踐」是繪本融入食農教育課程的教學歷程。(三) 繪本融入食農課程是可行的教學方案。(四) 繪本融入食農課程的行動研究歷程中,教師面臨到的困難包括閱讀理解、體驗學習及教學時間三個方面。(五) 解決困難之因應方式有:增加評論性問題、數位文本及數據資料庫的操作;加強體驗農事的經驗、鼓勵學生回家分享食農課程及調整謝師宴的規劃;根據課程內容調整上課節數。根據前述之研究結論,本研究提出之建議如下:(一)對教師教學之建議:1.選擇數位文本、混合文本及長篇文本當作閱讀媒材。2.設計引導思考的體驗學習型課程。(二)對家庭面向之建議:為學生提供如採購食材、烹煮料理、種植作物等實踐食農教育的機會。(三)對學校行政之建議:1.圖書館定期舉辦食農主題書展。2.安排參訪社區食農場域。3.建立學習社群共同備課,提升農業知識專業能力。(四)對後續研究之建議:1.可增加量化研究工具。2.規劃不同年級之食農課程方案。This study aims to integrate picture books into food and agricultural education for sixth-grade elementary school students, focusing on designing a curriculum for food and agricultural education, evaluating students' learning outcomes, and examining teachers' professional development. The study was conducted at the researcher’s school, Sustainable Elementary School, which is located in a remote area with a small number of students: 7 boys and 2 girls, totaling 9 students in the sixth grade. The curriculum was designed to be implemented over eight weeks, with a total of 16 lessons. The research adopted an action research methodology following the four steps: Plan, Act, Observe, and Reflect. The study investigated the learning process of integrating picture books into food and agricultural education for sixth-grade students, analyzed their learning outcomes, and evaluated the researcher’s professional growth during the action research process.Based on the research findings, the study concluded the following five points: (1) Integrating picture books into food and agricultural education is effective for sixth-grade students. (2) The teaching process of"read first, then practice" is crucial in integrating picture books into food and agricultural education. (3) Integrating picture books into the food and agricultural curriculum is a feasible teaching strategy. (4) The action research process of integrating picture books into the food and agricultural curriculum presented challenges for teachers, including reading comprehension, experiential learning, and teaching time management. (5) Solutions to these challenges include: increasing critical thinking questions, utilizing digital texts and databases, enhancing experiential learning of agricultural activities, encouraging students to share food and agricultural lessons at home, and adjusting the class schedule based on the curriculum content.Based on the aforementioned conclusions, the study provides the following recommendations: (1) For teaching: 1. Select digital, hybrid, and extended texts as reading materials. 2. Design experiential learning curricula that guide critical thinking. (2) For families: Provide students with opportunities to engage in practical food and agricultural education, such as purchasing ingredients, cooking meals, and planting crops. (3) For school administration: 1. Regularly organize food and agricultural-themed book exhibitions in the library. 2. Arrange visits to community agricultural sites. 3. Establish learning communities for joint lesson planning to enhance agricultural knowledge and professional skills. (4) For future research: 1. Incorporate quantitative research tools. 2. Design food and agricultural curriculum plans for different grade levels.食農教育繪本教學閱讀理解策略永續發展目標Food and Agricultural EducationPicture Book TeachingReading Comprehension StrategiesSustainable Development Goals繪本融入國小六年級學生食農教育之行動研究An Action Research on Integrating Picture Books into Food and Agriculture Education for Sixth-Grade Elementary Students學術論文