余鑑于俊傑Chien, YuChien Cheh, Yu劉美玲Mei-Ling, Liou2019-09-032009-8-182019-09-032009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0094712113%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96520近年來,隨著金融機構組織重整,金控持續整併,競爭日趨白熱化下,又因處在微利的時代,民眾對理財的需求殷切,加上理財工具多元與金融商品複雜的金融環境下,使銀行理財專員工作壓力倍增。 而在2008年底爆發金融風暴,全球股市陷入一片哀豪,使金融暴風狂襲下的理財專員們,更顯得壓力沉重。為了避免可能暴發一連串的員工因工作壓力太大而導致離職傾向,銀行業的主管們應關注在如何解決理財專員們的工作壓力、作好心理建設,才不致於引發離職潮。相對地,在高壓環境工作下之情緒勞動的議題在組織中愈來愈重要,而在高工時與高工作壓力外加高道德標準的金融業下,如何降低員工離職傾向,節省招募與訓練的成本,也是ㄧ項重要的議題,因此,研究者以情緒勞動、工作壓力及離職傾向為研究主題,且以與情緒勞動關係較為密切的銀行理財專員為對象,深入探討相關問題,希望能藉此實證研究,提供組織人力資源發展規劃之參考。 本研究針對T銀行的理財專員為研究對象,共發放300份問卷,回收270份,經刪除廢卷與無效問卷後,有效問卷為237份,其有效問卷率為87.77%。再經由SPSS與LISREL軟體進行分析來驗證本研究之假設。 本研究根據資料的結果顯示如下: (1) T銀行理財專員之情緒勞動的表層演出對工作壓力有顯著影響。 (2) T銀行理財專員之情緒勞動的深層演出對工作壓力有顯著影響。 (3) T銀行理財專員之工作壓力對離職傾向有顯著影響。 (4) T銀行理財專員之表層演出對離職傾向無顯著影響。 (5) T銀行理財專員之深層演出對離職傾向無顯著影響。 (6) T銀行理財專員之情緒勞動的表層演出透過工作壓力而對離職傾向有影響。 (7) T銀行理財專員之情緒勞動的深層演出透過工作壓力而對離職傾向有影響。 研究結果希望能提供國內金融相關業者瞭解理財專員的情緒勞動與工作壓力對離職傾向之行為,以找出能留住好的人才之政策與策略,進而使組織邁向永續經營之目標。In recent years, with re-organizations, financial institutions, financial holding and continuing the whole, under the competition has become increasingly heated, because in the era of low-profit, public demand for financial management, financial management tools with multiple financial products and complex financial environment so that financial consultant has doubled the pressure of the work. By the end of 2008 at the outbreak of financial turmoil, global stock markets plunged into a grief-ho, the financial storm of financial consultants, under heavy pressure even more. In order to avoid possible outbreak of a series of staff working under great stress caused by the tendency to leave the banking industry executives should be concerned about how to solve the financial pressure on the work of the consultants, make mental construction, it will not trigger a wave of resignation. In contrast, under high pressure environment and that the emotional labor plays an increasingly important role in the organization, and in the work of senior engineers with high-pressure high ethical standards in addition to the financial services industry, how to reduce staff turnover, recruitment and training savings the cost, but also the subject of the important, therefore, researchers in emotional labor, job pressure and the turnover intention to study the theme of separation, and emotional labor relations with the bank financial management more closely targeted at the consultant to study the related issues, hoping to use this empirical research provided by organizations, human resource development planning reference. In this study T Bank Commissioner for the financial consultants study, a total of 300 questionnaires issued, 270 were recovered by the deletion of waste volumes and invalid questionnaires, 237 valid questionnaires for its effective rate of 87.77 percent questionnaire. And then the software SPSS and LISREL analysis to verify the hypothesis of this study. This study showed that the basis of information as follows: (1) T bank financial consultants of emotional labor of surface acting have a significant impact on job pressure. (2) T bank financial consultants of emotional labor of deep acting have a significant impact on job pressure. (3) T bank financial consultant’s job pressure on turnover intention have a significant effect. (4) T bank financial consultant’s surface acting on turnover intention have no significant effect. (5) T bank financial consultant’s deep acting on turnover intention have no significant effect. (6) T bank financial consultant’s emotional labor of surface acting through job pressure on turnover intention have significant effect. (7) T bank financial consultant’s emotional labor of deep acting through job pressure on turnover intention have significant effect. Research findings to provide domestic financial-related industries to understand the mood of fiscal Commissioner of Labor and the working pressure acts on the separation tendency to identify the retention of good personnel policy and strategy, thereby enabling organizations towards the goal of sustainable development.情緒勞動工作壓力離職傾向Emotion LaborJob StressTurnover IntentionT銀行理財專員情緒勞動、工作壓力對離職傾向間之線性結構方程模式研究A SEM Study of T Banking Financial Consultant's Emotional Labor and Job Stress on Turnover Intention