張明輝博士馮清皇2019-08-282010-7-162019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0890000107%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90274國民小學教育政策執行力指標建構之研究 摘要 本研究旨在探討國民小學教育政策執行力的基本意涵和相關理論,以期形成國民小學教育政策執行力之執行模式,並據此執行模式進一步建構適用於國民小學教育政策執行力的衡量指標,提供教育行政機關與學校應用之參考。依據上述目的,研究設計乃透過模糊德懷術問卷調查法,蒐集並分析25位專家的一致性意見及重要性程度,做為建立國民小學教育政策執行力指標之依據。並採用焦點座談與訪談之研究方法,選擇教育行政與學校行政之實務工作者為研究對象,針對本研究所建構完成之指標內容進一步進行是否適切的檢核工作。 本研究經過模糊德懷術問卷調查、焦點座談與訪談之研究歷程,回應研究目的及研究問題而獲得的研究結論如下: 一、國民小學教育政策執行力的重要內涵,包含意義、特性、功能、核心流程與影響因素。 二、國民小學教育政策執行力之衡量指標,包括:1.政策環境、組織能量、執行策略與作業管理等四個層面指標;2.政策內容的認同、政府推行的決心、標的團體的支持、外在環境的促動、適當的人力配置、充分的財物支援、順暢的資訊流通、彈性的組織結構、發揮組織領導、強化組織學習、形塑組織文化、激發組織創新、掌握明確執行目標、擴展決策參與範疇、建立同步協調機制、推動可行獎勵制度、實施自我監控管理、落實績效回饋評估等十八個項目指標;以及3.「1-1-1學校同仁會因對政策價值的瞭解,而主動表達執行的意願。」等七十四個細目指標。 三、國民小學教育政策執行力指標的執行現況條件,仍存有落差尚待進一步改進,包括:1.教育行政機構提供參與決策平台普遍不足,無法滿足學校執行者參與政策制訂的需求;2.學校普遍缺乏應有執行資源,以及彈性調度的管理空間;3.學校組織學習風格丕變,創意分享平台普遍匱乏;4.過程評核功能未獲認同,自主獎勵權責有待補實。 根據研究結論,本研究從以下三方面提出相關的建議: 一、對教育行政機關的建議 (一)強化政策宣導工作,以提高學校執行的正向知覺。 (二)提供應有執行能量,並授以校本經營的自主空間。 (三)重整專業學習系統,以激發創新文化的不斷生成。 (四)爭取過程評估認同,以求得專業績效責任的體現。 二、對學校行政單位的建議 (一)善用指標檢核功能,以求自我政策執行力的持續提昇。 (二)建置應有執行人力,並力求行政菁英領導團隊的組成。 (三)重視校長參與執行,並強化校園共同行為模式的建立。 (四)強調目標具體轉化,並同步實施資源整合的作業管理。 三、對後續研究的建議 (一)在研究焦點方面:未來研究可因研究主題的改變而選取私立學校、特殊學校,或是針對其他層級學校進行研究。 (二)在研究對象方面:未來研究可擴大或轉換研究對象,以求得更周延、平衡的觀點。 (三)在研究方法方面:未來研究宜可採取大樣本問卷調查法,廣泛蒐集、了解我國公立國民小學教育政策執行力的表現情況;或運用民俗誌等質性研究方法,針對某一個學校研究樣本,做長期且縱性資料的蒐集,以對本研究所建構發展之衡量指標,做更深入的驗證與批判。A Study on the Construction of the Execution Indicators of Educational Policies in Elementary Schools Abstract The purposes of this study were to analyze the basic implications and related theories, to form the executing patterns of execution of educational policies in elementary schools based on the analyses of the implications and theories, and then to construct complete and suitable educational indicators of execution of educational policies to provide to the educational authorities and schools for reference. According to the above purposes, twenty-five experts’ emphases and common opinions were analyzed and used as important basis of the construction of the indicators of execution of educational policies. Focus groups and interviews with the administrators in educational institutions and schools were used to gather data which would be used to examine the suitability of indicators and to evaluate the possibility of the execution of indicators in schools. Analyzing the data of Fuzzy Delphi Survey, focus groups and interviews, some conclusions reflecting the research purposes and research questions were as follows. 1. The important contents of the execution of educational policies included the meaning, characteristics, functions, core process, and affecting factors. 2. The content of the execution of educational policies included:(1) the four indicators of policy environment, organizational capacities, executing strategies, and operational management, (2) the eighteen item indicators inclusive of the identity of the policy content, the government’s determination to enforce, the support of target groups, the promotion of external environment, suitable arrangement of manpower, sufficient financial support, fluent informative communication, flexible structure of organizations, the practice of organization leadership, the strengthening of organizational learning, the formation of organization culture, the stimulating of organization innovation, the explicit execution of goals, the broadening of determining involvement, the building of coordinating mechanism, the practice of practicable praise systems, the implementation of self-monitoring management, and the evaluation of efficiency feedback, and (3) seventy-four small-part indicators, such as “1-1-1 The school colleagues will automatically express the willing to execute with the understanding of the policy value.” 3. Although most elementary schools fitted the conditions of execution of educational policy, there were still some problems needed to be solved. For example, (1) The educational institutes didn’t provide enough platforms for the school administers to join the process of making policies, so they couldn’t satisfy the school administers’ need of participation and involvement in making policies. (2) It was very common that most schools lacked the resource of implementation and the flexible spaces. (3) The school organizational learning styles varied and lacked creative sharing platforms. (4) The functions of process evaluation were disapproval, and the authority of automatic praise should be reconsidered. Based on the results, related suggestions from three aspects were provided as follows. 1. Suggestions to the educational institutes: (1) Increasing the propagation of policy contents in order to enhance the positive sense of school policy implementation. (2) Providing enough necessary implementation power and the autonomic space to the schools of school-based management. (3) Reconstructing the professional learning system to stimulate the continuous new innovation culture. (4) Struggling for the commitment of process evaluation to enhance the responsibility of the professional efficiency. 2. Suggestions to the schools: (1) Making good use of checklist to promote the execution of educational policy. (2) Giving necessary manpower and strengthen the professional leading group. (3) Emphasizing the principal’s participation and execution and increasing the forming of school common behavior patterns. (4) Emphasizing the concrete transformation of objects and combine the management of all the resources. 3. Suggestions to the further studies in the future: (1) The studies in the future can focus on private schools, special schools or other educational levels. (2) The researchers can increase the number of participants in the future or choose different group of participants in order to get more complete viewpoint. (3) As for research method, big-scale questionnaire survey can be used in the future to get more data about the performance condition of execution of educational policy in public elementary schools. Besides, the qualitative methods can be used in the future, such as using ethnography in a school to collect longitudinal data and compare with the indicators constructed in this study.教育政策政策執行執行力教育政策執行力教育指標educational policypolicy implementationexecutionexecution of educational policyeducational indicators國民小學教育政策執行力指標建構之研究A Study on the Construction of the Execution Indicators of