吳志文Wu, Chih-Wen張芸慈Chang, Yun-Tzu2022-06-082021-08-042022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/93246f5e2070bb10da96fc00d56f2e37/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118203本研究旨在探討知覺青少年子女子職實踐(自我揭露、自我安頓、情感性支持、工具性支持)對單親家長心理適應(安適幸福感、生活滿意度、心理困擾)與親職適應(親職價值、親職壓力)的影響,並比較單親、有偶家長知覺青少年子女子職實踐對其心理適應、親職適應影響的差異。本研究對象為「與12至18歲子女同住之單親、有偶家長」,並採用「知覺青少年子女子職實踐量表」、「安適幸福感量表」、「生活滿意度量表」、「簡式健康量表」、「親職價值量表」、「親職壓力量表」為主要研究工具,以144筆單親家長與151筆有偶家長有效資料進行分析,包含獨立樣本t檢定、Pearson相關分析、一般線性迴歸分析以及結構方程模型分析。結構方程模型的主要研究結果如下: 1.單親家長知覺青少年子女子職實踐對其安適幸福感、生活滿意度、親職價值有正向且顯著的影響,對其心理困擾、親職壓力有負向且顯著影響。 2.單親家長知覺青少年子女自我揭露對其安適幸福感、生活滿意度、親職價值有正向且顯著的影響,對其心理困擾、親職壓力有負向且顯著的影響。 3.單親家長知覺青少年子女自我安頓對其安適幸福感、生活滿意度、親職價值有正向且顯著的影響,對其心理困擾、親職壓力有負向且顯著的影響。 4.單親家長知覺青少年子女情感性支持對其安適幸福感、生活滿意度、親職價值有正向且顯著的影響,對其心理困擾有負向且顯著的影響。 5.單親家長知覺青少年子女工具性支持對其生活滿意度、親職價值有正向且顯著的影響。 6.知覺青少年子女自我安頓對單親家長安適幸福感的正向影響顯著高於有偶家長。 最後,針對本研究之限制與未來研究方向進行討論。The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of perceptions of adolescent filial performance (i.e., self-disclosure (SD), self-settled (SS), emotional Support (ES), and instrumental support (IS)), on single parent’s psychological adjustment (i.e., peace of mind (POM), satisfaction with life (SWL), and psychological distress (PD)) , and parental adjustment (i.e., parental value (PV), and parental stress (PS)), as well as compare the difference between single parent and two-parents’ perception of the impact of adolescent filial performance on their psychological adjustment and parental adjustment. The participants were single parents and two-parents, both are live with adolescents from 12 to 18 years old. In this study, Adolescent Filial Performance Scale, Peace of Mind Scale, the Satisfaction With Life Scale, Brief Symptom Rating Scale, Parental Value Scale, and Parental Stress Scale were used as main research tools, with independent T-test, Pearson correlation, Simple regression analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) statistics were used for data analysis. The main findings are: 1.The effect of filial performance on single parents’ POM, SWL and PV was positive and significant, on single parents’ PD and PS was negative and significant. 2.The effect of SD on single parents’ POM, SWL and PV was positive and significant, on single parents’ PD and PS was negative and significant. 3.The effect of SS on single parents’ POM, SWL and PV was positive and significant, on single parents’ PD and PS was negative and significant. 4.The effect of ES on single parents’ POM, SWL and PV was positive and significant, on single parents’ PD was negative and significant. 5.The effect of IS on single parents’ SWL and PV was positive and significant. 6.The difference of the effect of SS to POM between single parent and two-parents was significant. According to these findings, the study provides suggestions for future research directions.單親家長青少年子職實踐心理適應親職適應single parentadolescentfilial performancepsychological adjustmentparental adjustment單親家長知覺青少年子女子職實踐對其心理與親職適應的影響Single Parents’ Perception of the Filial Performance from Their Adolescent Children: The Contributions to Parents’ Psychological and Parental Adjustments學術論文