Jiannan Wang2014-10-272014-10-272010-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15346永樂大典的編作起源幾近毀壞,肆意分散的歷史,以及翻印與數位化的可能性,使它成為值得研究的文化寶藏。誠如本文之呈現,即使是部分古籍的修復,也能對文化、時代以及民族作出重要貢獻。作者將追溯永樂大典六百多年的歷史,從十五世紀明朝時原典的編纂,到西元1900年間,北京被圍攻時,永樂大典的貯藏地「翰林書院」被焚燒以及劫掠。本文也將討論翰林書院作為貯藏中國學術成就的功用和重要性。此外,根據北京圍攻的紀錄和其他文獻,作者也將陳述西元1900年6月23日當天翰林書院被焚燒與劫掠的過程。結論中,將討論近來為收復永樂大典所做的努力,以及探討圖書館在貯藏人文遺產和古蹟的角色。The history of the Yongle Dadian’s[1] creation, near total destruction, its wanton dispersal, its promising reprinting and possible digitization, is but one example of a fascinating cultural treasure worth studying. As this paper will show, even the partial recovery of an artifact brings to light the significant contribution of a culture, a time, and a people. The author will trace the course of the Yonele Dadian over 600 years. From the original compilation during the fif-teenth century Ming Dynasty to the burning and looting of the prestigious Hanlin Academy where it was held during the 1900 Siege of Peking. The function and rising importance of the Hanlin Academy as a cultural repository of Chinese scholarship will be discussed. In addition, relying on siege diaries and other primary source materials, the author will present what occurred on that fateful day of June 23, 1900 when the Hanlin Academy was reduced to ashes and its contents looted. Lastly, the author will conclude with the recent reclamation efforts of the Yongle Dadian and touch upon the role of libraries as repositories of intellectual heritage and cultural record.資訊尋求行為理學院教師高中圖書館館藏發展Information-Seeking BehaviorScience FacultyAcademic LibrariesCollection DevelopmentInformation-Seeking Behavior of Science Faculty under a Challenging Economic Environment嚴峻經濟環境下的理學院教師資訊尋求行為