國立臺灣師範大學資訊教育研究所Chiu, Chiung-HuiChen, Cheng-HuanWu, Chiu-YiSsu-Wei2014-10-302014-10-302010-05-17188-009-479-7http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/34769This study explores the attitudes of elementary school students toward integrating wikis or blogs into collaborative lecture notes. A wiki site was used for collaborative note editing. A team of students divided their note-taking pages, record information on respective area of responsibility and reciprocally supplemented information to their partners’ areas. A blog site was used to share notes. Students in a team took notes on a respective page. However, they could read each others’ notes, leave comments on others’ pages and come back to modify their own notes. It was found that the students who took notes using blogs felt significantly more satisfied than students who using wikis.Elementary school students’ attitudes toward applying wikis or blogs for collaborative note-taking activities