陳永龍曾唐鋒Tseng, Tang-Feng2019-08-282013-8-222019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699070315%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88664童軍運動肯認每一個人的獨特性,採取個人為中心的教育途徑,透過徽章制度榮耀青少年的學習成就以引導他們成為一個在各方面健全發展的人,專科徽章的設置,更能顯示其注重個別化教育的事實。透過專科徽章制度的推展,不僅能讓童軍學得技能與培養興趣,也透過自己設計、自己完成的「自我教育」方式養成自治獨立的品格。 本研究以課程理論觀點,分析童軍專科徽章制度之目標、內容、實施與評量,並採用質性方式、一對一半結構式訪談取得資料,以瞭解童軍專科徽章制度、分析我國童軍專科徽章制度之推展概況,並提供相關評鑑機制之建議。 依據研究資料分析,本研究建立獲取專科徽章的理想程序與十六項要素,提供各級童軍會辦理方案評鑑、成人領袖辦理專科考驗活動之參考。其程序依序為選擇、準備、考驗與榮典階段。 選擇階段的主要任務是輔導童軍走向專科之路,其包含五項要素:一、團長協助規劃與安排;二、具吸引力的項目內容;三、必要項目的合理設計;四、專責單位進行考驗規劃;五、專業團體長期經營活動。 準備階段的主要任務是做中學,從不會到會的體驗過程。其包含四項要素:一、積極的自我教育態度;二、合格考驗委員之輔導;三、各種途徑的學習引導;四、統一的參考教材或手冊。 考驗階段的主要任務是肯定童軍的努力,讓童軍展現其所學。其包含四項要素:一、能自我掌控步調;二、適當的評量方式;三、童軍會資源設備的協助;四、童軍原理、原則與方式以維持考驗合格標準。 榮典階段的主要任務是讓童軍得以自我實現,激發其榮譽感,促進其個人能力之提升。其中有三項要素:一、正增強;二、團體間的公開認可;三、提醒維持合格標準的觀念。Scouting’s approach to education is person-centered, recognizing the uniqueness of each person. The glory of learning achievement with the Badge System encourages youth to develop their full capacities as individuals. The setting of Merit Badges Program can show the fact that Scouting focus on individualized instruction. The implementation of the Merit Badges Program as “Self-education” contributes the Scout not only to learn skills and cultivate interest, but also develop as an autonomous individual. The purpose of the research was to analyze the implementation of the Merit Badges Program of the General Association of the Scouts of China. In the view of curriculum theory, the researcher analyzes the objectives, the content, the implementation, and the assessment of the Merit Badges Program. This research was adopted a qualitative approach and conducted one-on-one semi-structured in-depth interviews with five successful adults in Scouting. According to research results, the researcher set up the ideal process of earning a merit badge in four phases: selection, be prepared, test, and ceremony. The main task of the “Selection phase” is assisting the Scout in planning. The factors in this phase are: 1. Leaders’s assistance, 2. Attractive subjects, 3. Appropriate mandatory badges, 4. The councils in charge, 5. Long-term committee to implement the program. The main task of the “Be prepared phase” is learning by doing. The factors in this phase are: 1. Positive self-education attitude, 2. Qualified counselor’s assistances, 3. Diverse ways of learning, 4. Official reference books. The main task of the “Test phase” is recognizing the efforts of the Scout. The factors in this phase are: 1. Self-control pace, 2. Appropriate ways to assess, 3. The support from the council, 4. Interpreting requirements in Scout Methods. The main task of the ceremony phase is making the Scout self-fulfilling. The factors in this phase are: 1. Positive reinforcement, 2. The public recognition, 3. Reminding of maintaining requirements.童軍專科章徽章制度Scoutingmerit badgesbadge system我國童軍專科徽章制度推展之研究A Research on the Implementation of the Merit Badges Program of the General Association of the Scouts of China