鄧毓浩林栴君2019-08-282006-8-172019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693070040%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88548摘 要 近年來台灣隨著全球化浪潮的影響下,經濟及社會文化產生莫大的衝擊。其中,影響最大的莫過於伴隨國際通婚浪潮下所帶來的新移民女性之相關議題。除了新移民女性遠嫁我國,面臨語言、生活及社會文化適應與教養下一代的問題外,近年來對於其公民權的給予亦愈來愈重視,因此其具備何種公民資質的研究即愈顯得重要。 本研究以自行編製的「新移民女性公民資質型塑之問卷」,針對247名台北市修習識字教育的新移民女性為研究對象,進行問卷調查,以瞭解新移民女性所具備的公民資質之情形,分析家庭背景因素與學校教育因素對新移民女性公民資質的影響,並探討公民知識、權利與態度間之相關情形。 研究結果如下: 一、本研究所列的六項家庭因素,在公民資質型塑上,有顯著差異者為「原生 國家」、「來台時間」、「新移民女性先生的政黨傾向」等三項家庭因 素;而「先生教育程度」、「先生職業」、「與家人相處模式」等三項家 庭因素,則無差異。 二、本研究所列的三項學校因素,在公民資質型塑上,「原教育程度」、「識 字教育班班級氣氛」有顯著差異;而「識字教育班的教師民主素養」則無 顯著差異。 三、新移民女性的「公民知識」分別與「公民權利」、「公民態度」皆有顯著 的低度正相關。 接著,深度訪談長期服務新移民女性的社工員,以及長期關注新移民女性議題的印尼籍女性,進一步探討研究結果更深層的原因。最後,本研究根據上述發現,針對新移民女性公民資質具備的情形,希冀提供給辦理識字教育的相關單位及未來研究者一些具體的建議。Abstract With the globalization, Taiwan has witnessed rapid growth of newly immigrant feminine through intermarriage between local Taiwanese and Southeast Asian / Chinese citizens. Researches on how these newly immigrant feminine deal with language, culture and family problems are abundant. Yet, rarely seen is scholarly discussions on the perception of its Taiwanese citizenship. The study is therefore aiming at the exploration of socialization process through which the newly immigrant feminine citizenship is granted. In doing so, this author conducts a survey of 247 newly immigrant feminine who studied in the literacy education at elementary schools in Taipei City. To be more specific, we have tried to identify factors which may contribute to the acquisition of the newly immigrant feminine's citizenship and to determine the relationships among civic knowledge, civic rights, and civic attitudes. The major findings can be summarized as follows. 1.Among the six family background factors, ‘original nationality’, ’time span of staying in Taiwan’, and ’husband's political party orientation’ contributed significantly to the formation of newly immigrant feminine's citizenship. However, ‘husband's educational level’, ‘husband's occupation’ ,and ‘the mode of getting along with families’ does not make significant difference in terms of the formation of newly immigrant feminine's citizenship. 2.As far as three school education factors are concerned, ‘previous educational level’ and ‘class atmosphere in literacy education’ contributed significantly to the formation of newly immigrant feminine's citizenship. However, ‘teacher's democratic orientation’ is the only factor which has insignificant impact on the formation of newly immigrant feminine's citizenship. 3.There is significantly low degree of positive correlations between (1) civic knowledge and civic rights and (2) civic knowledge and civic attitudes. To probe into the causes behind survey results, this author also interviewed two key persons. The first one is an experienced societal worker who has helped newly immigrant feminine. An Indonesian immigrant feminine who has closely watched relevant issues for a long time is consulted as well. Last but not the least, some useful policy recommendations for immigrant feminine literacy education and further research suggestions are presented.政治社會化新移民女性公民資質家庭因素學校因素political socializationthe newly immigrant femininecitizenshipfamily factorsschool factors國際人口遷徙及其政治社會化─以台北市新移民女性公民資質的形塑為例