王秀槐丁艾竹蘇愛嵐Hsiou-Huai WangAi-Chu DingAi-Lan Su2014-10-272014-10-272011-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11725國際高等教育趨勢顯示全球化、知識經濟與大眾化的議題持續受到廣泛的關注。在此一趨勢發展下,大學科系 間的界限愈來愈模糊,高等教育日益重視知識的統整融合,多元適性選擇的呼聲也水漲船高。我國教育當局為因應此一 趨勢,逐步展開「大學前段不分系」的試辦與推廣,近年來亦有部分校系開始實施大學前段不分系措施。針對此一高等教 育領域方興未艾的重大改革,國內相關實徵研究卻仍鳳毛麟角。本研究為彌補此一不足,首先提出大學前段不分系的目的 為協助學生「適性選擇」與「跨領域學習」;再針對國內15所研究型綜合大學實施前段不分系的院系單位,分析其辦理模 式與規劃的課程如何滿足學生適性選擇與跨領域學習需求,歸納出三種分流模式與四類課程規劃;最後針對1所研究型綜合 大學,蒐集學生需求資料與相關修課規定,發現該校學生較傾向於追求跨領域學習; 研究者參考前述辦理模式,提出未來規劃前段不分系措施的建議,期使大學前段不分系改革更能貼近學生需求。The recent trend of globalization, knowledge economy, and massive expansion have increasingly collapsed the boundaries between academic disciplines, and promoted cross-disciplinary learning and individualized choices in higher education. To meet such challenges, a number of institutions in Taiwan have recently implemented the policy of “choice of major at the upper level of college” or “declaration of major at sophomore or junior year.” However, analyzing student needs and the curriculum structure of a university before launching an appropriate model is necessary. Therefore, this study analyzes various models currently implemented by 15 research-oriented comprehensive universities before exploring the student needs and the curriculum structure of a research-oriented institution (University T), and advising how this comprehensive university should implement this policy. Four models were found, as follows: choice of department within a college; choice of majors within a college; choice of majors across different colleges; and entry into an integrated program. Based on our analysis of student needs and curriculum barriers, we suggest that University T adopt the model of “choice of major across different colleges.” Such findings contribute to the future implementation of the rising trend of “choice of major at the upper level of college” in Taiwan.大學前段不分系大學部課程跨領域學習適性選擇choice of major at the upper level of collegeundergraduate curriculumcross- disciplinary learningcareer exploration跨越科系的藩籬:我國研究型大學實施前段不分系模式分析與個案大學實施策略之探討Crossing the Border of Disciplinary Knowledge: An Analysis of the Choice of Major at the Upper Level of College in Research-Oriented Comprehensive Universities, with the Use of One Case Study Based on Student Needs in Taiwan