林至誠Lin, Chih-Cheng韓岱昀Han, Tai-Yun2019-09-032019-01-012019-09-032018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0505213108%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97351行動科技輔助語言學習在字彙方面的研究中,常以實驗組以及控制組的分組設計,經過實驗後,證明行動科技輔助字彙學習的成效。研究對象在實過程裡,往往沒有機會選擇以何種工具進行學習。Stockwell是少數讓學習者自由選擇工具的學者,他讓大學生自行選擇以個人電腦或手機來進行字彙學習。Stockwell的數次研究均顯示學習者普遍偏好使用個人電腦進行字彙學習,而非使用手機(Stockwell, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2013; Stockwell& Liu, 2015)。 本研究旨在探究台灣高中生偏好使用何種工具來進行英語字彙學習。與過往研究不同的是,本研究提供更多樣的工具選擇機會,並以高中生而非大學生作為研究對象。來自台灣北部某高中三班共111名高二學生參與了為期四周的研究。在這段期間,學生可以任意使用手機、桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦或平板電腦登入數位學習平台,完成針對課本學習內容所設計的字彙練習,幫助學習。 研究結果顯示學生最常在自己家中使用手機進行英語字彙學習。運用不同工具進行練習的所得分數與所花時間並沒有明顯差異。在訪談中,大部分學生對於運用手機進行英語字彙學習抱有歡迎的態度。他們很少反映手機螢幕過小影響閱讀,或是反映手機文字輸入方法會造成學習困擾。受訪學生也普遍表示自己平時除了手機之外,不常使用像桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦、平板電腦等學習工具。他們的高手機持有率以及對於手機作為日常工具的習慣,決定他們選擇以手機進行字彙學習的偏好。他們對於生活中的行動科技使用感到適應,而這也影響了他們對於行動科技輔助英語字彙學習的態度。Previous studies on mobile-assisted vocabulary learning seldom offered participants choices of devices. The findings from the between-subject studies failed to inform the issue of preferences, although that of effectiveness was well answered. Stockwell addressed the issue by offering the freedom to choose either mobile phones or personal computers (PCs), and has found a strong preference for PCs despite the advancement and increased prevalence of mobile phones over years (Stockwell, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2013; Stockwell& Liu, 2015). The present study intends to investigate Taiwanese senior high school students’ preferences for devices in mobile-assisted vocabulary learning. The present study differs itself from the previous ones as it offered a wider selection of devices and included younger participants. In a public high school in northern Taiwan, 111 11th graders were recruited to participate in the study for four weeks. They were encouraged to practice vocabulary exercises for school English lessons on an online platform by using mobile phones, desktop PCs, laptop PCs, or tablet PCs. Results showed that mobile phones were the most frequently-used device, and were used primarily when the participants were at home. The performance in terms of the scores achieved and the time spent did not vary greatly among different devices. When interviewed about their preferences, most participants had a welcoming attitude towards mobile phones. They reported that there was no discomfort to the screen size or inputting method, and that they seldom used PCs or other devices in their daily lives. The high ownership of and the easy accessibility to the device determined their preference ofmobile phones over other devices. The participants confirmed their being accustomed to mobile lives. They took it for granted that learning and practicing vocabulary take place on mobile phones, which in turn facilitated their acceptance of mobile integration in their learning.行動輔助語言學習字彙學習行動載具學習平台mobile-assisted language learningvocabulary learningmobile deviceslearning platforms行動科技輔助英語字彙學習之使用載具偏好研究Investigating Learners’ Preferences for Devices in Mobile-Assisted Vocabulary Learning