官英華2016-05-102016-05-102015-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78807本研究探索語音轉碼(phonological recoding) 在英語為外語的閱讀歷程中所扮演的角色。實驗以五種閱讀條件(「語音抑制」、「逐字朗讀」、「聽不同內容語音」、「聽相同內容語音」、「安靜閱讀」)來觀察受試者在閱讀歷程中,語音轉碼受不同程度干擾時的閱讀理解狀況及眼動行為。此外,本研究亦檢驗文章難度是否影響受試者對語音轉碼的依賴。結果顯示閱讀條件對閱讀理解成績以及閱讀效率沒有顯著效果,似乎受試者在閱讀理解英語文章時,不太需要仰賴語音轉碼,可以直接從字形擷取語意。然而在字詞辨識的層次上,閱讀條件對受試者的閱讀眼動行為有顯著的影響,表示語音轉碼雖不影響閱讀理解的表現,但仍可能參與了閱讀初期的字詞辨識歷程。而受試者是否依賴語音轉碼與文章難度之間的關連性不高。This study examined the role of phonological recoding in Englishas- a- foreign-language reading processes. To this end, five reading conditions (“articulatory suppression,” “reading aloud,” “concurrent listening to irrelevant speech,” “concurrent reading and listening to the same text,” and “silent reading”) were set up for observing subjects’ eye movements during the reading processes and comparing their outcomes in reading comprehension. Furthermore, text complexity was also taken into account in order to find out whether it affects subjects’ dependency on phonological recoding in the processes of reading comprehension. The results showed that reading conditions had no significant effects on subjects’ reading comprehension scores and learning efficiency index. It seems that the participants in this study did not rely on phonological recoding for English reading comprehension and were able to access meaning via orthographicsemantic route. While phonological recoding did not significantly affect subjects’ performance on reading comprehension tests, it might be initially involved in the word-recognition processes during reading. Finally, text complexity did not have much influence on subjects’ dependency on phonological recoding during reading comprehension.外語閱讀理解語音轉碼眼動行為foreign-language reading comprehensionphonological recodingeye-movement behavior檢視語音轉碼在英語為外語閱讀歷程中扮演的角色Investigating the Role of Phonological Recoding in English-as-a-Foreign-Language Reading Processes