許殷宏Hsu, Yin-Hung朱俐嬛Chu, Li-Huan2019-08-282014-2-222019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699000231%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90249本研究旨在探討不同社會階級的家庭教養對孩子的影響。有感於國內研究對於家庭微觀層面的論述較薄弱,且多半以學業成就表現作為研究變項,對於家長在日常生活中對子女的教養行為描述較少,無法明確對於教養行為有更清楚的描述與認識,故研究者試圖在本研究中透過質性研究的方式來探討家長的教養行為與態度對子女未來的發展有何影響。過去研究顯示家庭中的經濟、文化與社會資本對學生的學業成就以及人格特質存在直接或間接的影響,本研究利用美國社會學者Annette Lareau(2003)所提出的三個面向(時間的使用、語言的使用、制度的接觸),來檢視台灣社會中各階級間是否因為階級文化的差異而形塑出對子女的不同教養策略。 本研究透過與國小學童及其家長的參與觀察與深度訪談,從下列幾個面向檢視:不同社會階級的家庭展現何種型態的教育行動策略?這些行動策略對於學生的學習習性造成何種影響?本研究也將進一步探討家長工作屬性的差異是否可能影響下一代的學習表現與能力。研究者在本研究中試著將家庭的文化資本帶入,探究除了職業所帶來的階級差異之外,這些文化資本如何影響為人父母者的教養方式。為達到上述目的,本研究採訪談法與參與觀察法,而後進行資料分析,歸納出以下結論: 一、文化資本與社會資本的投入影響不同社會階級學童家庭教養的情況。 二、在臺灣的脈絡下,中產階級家庭傾向於協作培養模式,勞動階級家庭則為自由成長模式。 三、臺灣社會的家庭倫理觀念、宗教信仰與性別皆為影響家庭教養方式的重要因素。 四、中產階級學童因擁有的資源豐厚,在學業上容易取得較佳表現;勞動階級學童則因家庭與學校生活的不連續,對學習產生負面的影響。 五、中產階級父母偏重培養子女未來發展的重要能力,勞動階級父母則傾向放任適性成長。The purpose of this study is to explore the impact that various parenting styles among families of different social status have on their children. As the majority of parenting research in Taiwan uses the child’s academic performance as research variables while paying little attention to the nuances of familial behavior, previous research have been unable to provide a more detailed description and understanding of the impact that various parenting styles have on the next generation. As a result, this research aims at investigating how parent behavior and attitudes influence the child's future development by means of qualitative research. Moreover, previous studies have indicated that the family’s economic, cultural, and social capital can either directly or indirectly affect the child’s personality as well as scholastic achievement, therefore, this study utilizes Annette Lareau’s three criteria—time use, language use, and institution contact—to examine whether cultural differences within each socio-economic class result in dissimilarities in the parenting style among families of different social status. Through the observations and interviews of several elementary students and their parents, this paper answers the following research questions: What are the parenting styles adopted by families of different class? How do these strategies affect the child’s learning habits? Conclusions are as follows: 1.The cultural capital and social capital a family invests affects the child’s upbringing in families of different social classes. 2.In Taiwan, middle-class families prefer “concerted cultivation” parenting; working class families tend to raise their children via “natural growth.” 3.In Taiwan, family ethics, religion and gender are important factors that affect parenting style. 4.Children of middle-class families tend to have better academic performance because the home is able to provide more resource; working-class children are often negatively influenced in terms of their studies due to the discontinuity of learning environment between the home and the school. 5.Middle-class parents place much emphasis on training of their children’s future development while working class parents tend to use “laissez-faire” parenting style.社會階級家庭教養方式social classparenting style不同社會階級學童家庭教養行為之研究A Study on the Impact of Parenting Style among Different Social Classes