黃騰2019-08-122019-08-122009-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81861本文旨在回顧過去三十年來教育研究本土化的一些困境,並藉由近年來一些重要的相關研究,找出未來臺灣教育研究本土化的可能性。文中指出「缺乏實徵研究」和「採用過於簡化的二元對立立場」是這數十年來的主要困境。因此,作者提出可從「理論層面」、「實徵層面」及「理論與實徵辯證的層面」來發展本土化的教育研究。為了具體說明其可行性,作者在本文也嘗試提出幾個臺灣重要的本土議題來發展理論層面的概念和架構,如「升學主義」、「新自由主義」、「本體論上的集體主義」及「認識論上的整體論」來做為未來研究的可能開端。再者,作者在提出其理論層面的概念和架構後,也更具體和深入地從上述的「理論」、「實徵」及「理論與實徵辯證」三個面向,舉例說明未來教育研究本土化的種種方向。最後,作者還指出教育研究本土化不應只限於「本土」的研究,而應該是開啟世界大門的通道。This article examines some predicaments and possibilities of the localization of educational research through a review of previous studies. It shows that “lack of empirical studies” and “adoption of an oversimplified view of the East and the West” have resulted in such predicaments. To overcome these problems, the author suggests putting more efforts in three important aspects: theoretic, empirical, and dialogues between theory and practice. Some key issues of Taiwan may be need to grasp the notion of localization, such as educational fanatic, neoliberalism, collectivism, holism, and their possible development. In conclusion, the author indicates that localization of educational research cannot be limited to study local issues only, but should be taken as an opportunity and a way to connect to the global world.教育研究本土化集體主義整體論文化混種理論與實踐collectivismholismcultural hybridismtheory and practicethe localization of educational research教育研究本土化的再省思Rethinking the Predicaments and Possibilities of the Localization of Educational Research