國立臺灣師範大學教育學系王麗雲2014-12-022014-12-022002-01-01http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/39166本研究為三年研究計畫中之第一年,研究的目的在瞭解我國教育政策之形成過程,藉以建構我國教育政策形成之理論。研究者選取教育部中教司、技職司、高教司作為研究的焦點,主要的研究方法為個案研究,透過文件分析、訪談等方式,瞭解上述三司教育政策形成的過程。本年度的工作重點在於選取個案,搜集個案資料,並且設法獲得進入訪談的許可,以進行訪談工作。具體的工作成果包括對三司九個個案的整理、菁英訪談的文獻整理。這些可作為明年研究的基礎。因為研究倫理的考量,有關政策形成過程的研究將在三年研究告一段落後再行發表,以免造成研究對象的困擾。因為 SARS 的影響,原訂的出國發表學術論文活動取消,出席國際會議的經費已繳回,未附出席國際會議報告。This study is the first part of the three-year study on the policy-making process in Taiwan. With the help of longitudinal study, I wish to develop theories that can explain the policy-making process in Taiwan's education. Three departments in the Ministry of Education were chosen as the focus of the study, which includes the Department of Secondary Education, the Department of Higher Education, and the Department of Technological and Vocational Education. Case study on nine cases from three departments was conducted. It is expected that the number of cases studied will be increased as the research progress. Document analysis and interviews were conducted to collect the data that would help understand the issue under investigation. Major contribution of this year includes cases studies on nine cases and literature review on elite interviews. Findings on the policy making process in education in Taiwan will not be revealed until the three-year project ends to protect the interviewees. Grants for oversea meetings were returned because of SARS. As a result, no report on attending oversea meeting is attached.教育政策形成政策制定中教司技職司高教司Policy makingpolicy processDepartment of secondary educationDepartment of technological and vocational educationDepartment of higher education教育政策形成過程研究(I)Investigating the Policy Formation Process in Education (I)