鄒文莉Wenli Tsou2014-10-272014-10-272012-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11934本文欲探討說故事英語教學是否能夠增進成人英語的學習。78位參與者被隨機分配於實驗及控制兩組教學長達一學期。研究者收集與比較參與者的閱讀理解度、故事覆述寫作以及課堂參與表現。研究結果支持本研究的假設,言名說故事教學可以改變課堂溝通之本質,顯示出以鷹架式協助互動的學習方式來提升課堂參與度、故事理解及故事覆述寫作等能力,說故事教學對於外語學習情境下的成人英語學習,有顯著的效益。This study examined the influence of instruction using English storytelling on the performance of adult English learners. Seventy-eight participants were randomly assigned to two different English classes for one semester in this study. Both reading comprehension tests and recall writings of the participants were administered for the purpose of comparison between groups. The findings indicate that storytelling instruction elicits increased student interaction; facilitates EFL reading and story-recall writings; and changes the nature of classroom discourse, providing for more scaffolding interaction. With regard to language development, there were statistically demonstrable differences favoring the storytelling group in terms of comprehending reading material and employing story structures in writing.說故事 鷹架式協助互動 課堂參與storytellingscaffolding interactionclassroom participationThe Effects of Storytelling on Adult English Learning