唐淑華Tang, Shu-Hua蔡志強TSAI, Jr-Chiang2024-12-172023-12-122023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/0e0e98ff40e62efb3bcb4c90f56dca31/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122455研究者鑑於班級學生常常因為無法包容同儕之間的差異,也因無法同理他人的想法,導致班級氣氛混亂,人際關係失和,期盼運用情意教育融入九年級英語課程,增強學生彈性接納及同理他人的能力。本研究採取行動研究法,探討情意教育融入九年英語課程的可能性。研究者採用九年級英文科延伸閱讀《星星女孩》以及南一版第六冊英語課本為教材,設計六個情意教育單元,透過轉化教材內的背景及情境來引導學生的情感層面。為達研究目的,研究者針對所有課程蒐集學生課堂表現、學習單、生活札記、學生課後調查表、訪談紀錄與教師研究札記,來檢視學生的人際互動變化情形,進而給予研究者教學上的省思與成長。經過十個月的課程教學後顯示:一、情意教育透過教學轉化可以融入九年級英語課程。二、學生在彈性接納方面呈現積極的改變。三、學生在同理他人方面的進步不顯著。根據上述研究結果,研究者亦在最後提出相關的建議,提供未來欲設計情意教育融入英語課程的教學實務工作者及研究人員作為參考。Given that students have been struggling to embrace differences among peers as well as lack empathy with others, the researcher expected to incorporate affective education into the ninth graders’ English curriculum to enhance the students' ability of flexible acceptance and empathy. In addition, the chaos in class and strained interpersonal relationships can be improved at the same time. This study conducted an action research to explore the feasibility of integrating affective education into the ninth grades’ English curriculum. The researcher adopted both the novel "Star Girl" for extensive reading and the sixth volume of Nani English textbook as teaching materials. Six affective education units were designed to guide students' emotional responses by transforming the context itself to affection-related teaching materials. In a bid to answer the research questions, student classroom performances, worksheets, daily life logs, post-lesson surveys, interview records, and teacher research notes were collected to assess changes in students' class interpersonal relationships. Besides, the tools mentioned above also provided the researcher with valuable reflections and growth in teaching. After ten months of implementation, the following findings were observed:1. Integrating affective education into ninth graders’ English curriculum by using pedagogical transformation is feasible.2. Students demonstrated positive changes in their ability of embracing flexibility.3. Progress in empathy among students was not significant.Based on the results, the researcher provided recommendations for future instructors and researchers who are interested in integrating affective education into English curriculum.情意教育英語課程人際關係彈性接納同理他人affective educationEnglish curriculuminterpersonal relationshipflexible acceptanceempathy情意教育融入國中九年級英語課程之行動方案-以學生班級人際互動為例An Action Research of Integrating Affective Education into Ninth Graders’ English Curriculum: Taking Students’ Class Interpersonal Relationship as an Example學術論文