黃靖惠楊宜婷2019-08-29不公開2019-08-292015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060102015E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92380當愈來愈多的年輕女性投入工作領域,美眉文學(chick lit)逐漸蔚為流行。其內容描述年輕女性的生活經歷,以及她們如何克服挑戰以達成夢想。傳播媒體似乎已為大眾建構一條成功的必經之路,而敘事結構及觀眾解讀兩者間的異同與差距具有探究價值。因此,本研究以《穿著Prada的惡魔》及《豪門保母日記》兩部電影為文本進行敘事分析,再以深度訪談法訪談 6 位 22-29 歲、大學畢業、初次就業且工作年資 3 年以內的年輕女性,進一步檢視她們所擁有的背景知識、經驗及價值觀如何影響對電影之詮釋。本研究的整理歸納如下: 一、在電影敘事模式方面,二部電影均在核心事件中均呈現情感關係(愛情、親情、友情)及職場關係(上下屬關係)的衝突,衛星事件則依附在核心事件之下,呈現出情感關係與職場關係中具體的衝突事項。而女主角在成功歷程中分別經歷「挫折衰敗」、「適應探索」、「能力成長」、「成熟發展」、及「統整完成」各階段,並藉由關係修復與理想達成來顯示女主角的成功,符合主觀內在成功的定義。 二、在觀眾接收解讀方面,觀眾多半秉持著長幼有序的傳統倫理觀來看待職場中的衝突關係,並認同身為下屬的服從態度,少有觀眾採以巨觀的外在社會結構角度切入,對其中所隱含的不平等關係提出批判。此外,雖然受訪的年輕女性對於事業的付出不亞於男性,然而在面對工作與生活的衝突時,她們便會試圖降低工作的重要性以獲得認同,顯示了年輕女性在生涯發展中的矛盾處境。Chick lit entered popular culture when more and more young women entered the workplace. These kinds of texts described young women’s life experiences, and how they struggle to accomplish their dreams. It seems that the media have constructed a road to success for the public. The similarities and differences between the structure of narration and the interpretation of audiences were worth studying further. Therefore, this study took two chick flicks 《The Devil Who Wears Prada》 and 《The Nanny Diary》 for example, and used narrative analysis as well as in-depth interviews to examine how young female audiences’ background knowledge, experiences, and values influence their interpretation to the movies. 6 samples were selected from those 22 to 29 years old, university degree, and less than 3 years of work experiences. The results are shown as follows: 1. Movie narratives: Both movies showed conflicts on personal relationship (love, family, friendship) and workplace relationship (boss-underling relationship) in the kernel events. Satellite events were attached to kernel events, giving more details about the conflicts. In addition, both heroines experienced five stages toward success, including “frustrating and declining”, “adapting and exploring”, ”growing”, “maturing”, and “accomplishing”. And, the movies showed the success of the heroines by relationship repairing and dream accomplishing, which agreed with the definition of subjective success. 2. Audience interpretations: Most interviewees tended to follow traditional ethics of respecting senior staff and agreed with the heroines on obeying their bosses. Only a few criticized the unequal relationship in the social structure. And, although the young women interviewed are devoting themselves to career just like men are, they would, in order to seek recognition from others, try to pay less attention to work instead while facing the conflict between work and life. It shows the dilemma of young women’s career development.敘事分析接收分析女性生涯發展narrative analysisreception analysisfemale careers development女性職場新鮮人的成功歷程: 電影敘事與年輕女性之接收The Success Process of Freshwomen in Workplaces: Movie Narratives and Young Female Audiences’ Reception