郝永崴Hao Yung Wei蔡佳薇Tsai Jia Wei2019-08-292019-7-52019-08-292014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0501002218%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92612本研究在探討專題導向學習模式融入英語課堂學習,搭配平板電腦與網路資源為應用工具,並以epals平台進行跨國文化學習,對國中七年級學生英語科學習動機實施之成效。研究以質化為主,量化為輔,所使用之研究方法包括:問卷調查法、焦點團體法、實驗研究法、文件分析法。實驗教學過程中,採用「不等組前後測實驗設計」,分為實驗組與控制組。過程中蒐集學生專題學習評分表、學生學習日誌、學生學習課後回饋單與焦點訪談紀錄進行質性分析;實驗前、後,所有學生均需接受「英語學習動機量表」測試,且實驗組接受專題學習方案,搭配epals遠距教學平台、平板電腦及網路資源進行學習。 研究結果顯示:(1)專題導向學習融入英語科教學,對提升國中學生英語學習動機具有顯著成效 (2)學生對於專題導向學習融入英語教學持正向看法。並依據研究結果提出以下建議:(1)教師可應用專題導向學習融入英語科教學,以提升國中學生英語學習動機 (2)教師在進行專題導向學習之前,可先複習舊知識、搭建新舊知識的網絡架構連結,並透過異質分組及妥善的評分機制,提升低學習成就學生學習成效及動機 (3)教師在課程進行中應注意小組狀況,並適時介入給予協助。This research aims to investigate the impact of integrating project-based learning with Tablet PCs and web resources on English learning motivations of the students in junior high school. This research adopts quasi-experimental design. The participants of the study, 56 seventh-grade students in junior high school, were devided into two groups.The experimental group was employed in project-based learning and Tablet PCs, with the control group used traditional learning. English learning motivation questionnaire was used to measure the differences between the pretest and posttest. During the research, the researcher used students’ worksheets, questionnaires and student surveys to record and gather research data.Furthermore, we took semi–structured interview and some qualitative records to understand the perceptions of the students toward project-based learning.The results were listed as follows. 1.Project-based learning with Tablet PCs and web resources can effectively promote students’ learning motivations. 2.Students have positive attitudes toward project-based learning. Then, the study also provides some suggestions for the future research. 1.To intrigue students’ learning motivations , teachers can integrate project-based learning with Tablet PCs and web resources into teaching processes. 2.To promote underachievers’ learning motivations and academic achievements, teachers can use scaffolding strategies to help learners. 3.Teachers should pay attention to learners’ performances and assist students in their learning difficulties.專題導向學習英語學習動機科技輔助語言學習project-based learningEnglish learning motivationscomputer-assisted language learning(CALL)專題導向學習對國中學生英語學習動機成效之研究-以平板電腦結合網路資源為例The Effects of Integrating Project-based Learning into English Teaching on English Learning Motivations for Junior High School Students - Take Tablet PC and Web Resources for Example