郝永崴Hao, Yung-Wei游佳薰Yu, Chia-Hsun2023-12-082027-08-012023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/9d967e748f68736b3a4abc634b3a4b91/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/1194422020年初開始蔓延的新冠病毒疫情,讓許多國家不得已須實施封城或封國幾的措施,改變了全球政治、經濟、教育及交通等的運作。本研究旨在探討新冠疫情下,我國之國中學生英語科遠距教學之自我效能、認知投入及學習困境研究。本研究施測以研究者任教學校之學生作為研究對象,採問卷調查輔以訪談之研究方式,以文獻探討分析與歸納相關資料,完成問卷設計。共計發放300份問卷,篩選出274份有效樣本。根據問卷調查所得資料進行統計分析來確認本研究假設是否成立。本研究結果顯示:新冠疫情下,國中生英語科遠距教學課程學習之自我效能及認知投入程度的感知程度屬於中等,有待加強;新冠疫情下,國中生英語科遠距教學課程學習之自我效能與認知投入為顯著正相關;國中生英語科遠距教學課程學習之自我效能與個人因素學習困境、家庭因素學習困境及學校因素學習困境之關係呈現顯著負相關。最後,根據研究結果與研究結論提供教學者、教育行政人員、學習者與家長實務建議,以及從事英語科遠距教學相關領域研究者研究建議。The COVID-19 pandemic, which began to spread in early 2020, forced many countries to implement measures to lock down cities or countries, changing the operation of global politics, economy, education and transportation. This study aims to explore the self-efficacy, cognitive engagement and learning difficulties of the junior high school students in the distance learning on English under the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, the students of the school where the researcher teaches are used as the research objects, and the questionnaire survey is supplemented by interviews. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed, and 274 valid samples were screened. Statistical analysis was carried out according to the data obtained from the questionnaire to confirm whether the hypothesis of this study was established. The results of the study are as follows: Under the COVID-19 pandemic, junior high school students' perception of self-efficacy and cognitive engagement in English distance learning courses is moderate and needs to be strengthened; under the COVID-19 pandemic, junior high school students' self-efficacy and cognitive engagement in English distance learning courses are significantly positively correlated; the self-efficacy of junior high school students in English distance learning courses was significantly negatively correlated with the relationship between personal learning difficulties, family learning difficulties and school learning difficulties. Finally, according to the research results, the findings provide teachers, educational administrators, learners and parents with practical suggestions, and researchers in distance teaching and of English learning with research suggestions.新冠肺炎遠距教學自我效能認知投入學習困境COVID-19distance learningself-efficacycognitive engagementlearning dilemma新冠疫情下,國中生英語科遠距教學之研究A Study of Distance Learning on English for the Junior High School Students Under the COVID-19 Pandemicreport_pro