陳文政Chen, Wen-Cheng蕭如文Hsiao, Ju-Wen2022-06-082022-01-202022-06-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/b8e3f321e88fa569d2ddffe9c0203cb6/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118194本文旨在探析菲律賓的自由民主與非自由民主之政體變遷,根據自由之家資料作為基礎,並以V-Dem智庫與非自由民主指標檢視歷屆政府,透過歷史研究途徑、文獻分析及比較與歷史研究法,以此觀察菲國政體自1972年迄今之變動,探究自由民主與非自由民主之關係。菲律賓的非自由民主與自由民主關係微妙,後馬可仕時期政府長期擺動於兩種政體之中,其中,本文不僅檢視兩次人民力量革命對菲國自由民主之影響性,亦觀察歷屆政府表現,以探究政府與自由度變動之相關性。研究結果顯示:菲國的政體變動軌跡並無一致性,即便是面臨人民最重要之三大核心問題—失業、貧窮、犯罪—政府回應之處理能力並未和自由度變化有相關性;人民滿意度亦未與自由度和政府處理問題之能力具有相關性。值得注意的是,菲國後馬可仕時期之政體逐漸朝向非自由主義式民主政體靠攏,艾奎諾三世與杜特蒂政府皆維持在部分自由國家,他們並未促進自由度,然他們處理失業、貧窮、犯罪等問題卻明顯較有成效,並獲得人民的高度肯定,故其正當性高。The study investigated the evolution of the relevance between liberal democracy and illiberal democracy in the Philippines from 1972 to 2020. This thesis is based on the data of Freedom House, V-Dem, and illiberal indicators and tries to explore the evolution of the Philippines’ political regimes.The Philippines’ political regimes have been wavering between liberal democracy and illiberal democracy for a long period, while especially EDSA Revolution I and EDSA Revolution II strongly influenced the way toward liberal democracy in the post-Marcos period. This thesis examined the impact of the EDSA Revolution, it also explores the relations between governments’ performance and freedom development. Based on the research results, the change of political regime in the Philippines had no consistency. The relationships among unemployment, poverty, crimes, freedom, and people’s satisfaction are nonrelevance. Overall, despite the recent Philippines’ political regimes have become more illiberal, the skills that different government responds the unemployment, poverty, and crimes become robust, and they contribute to higher popular satisfaction and higher regime legitimacy.自由民主非自由民主民粹式民主菲律賓政治變遷liberal democracyilliberal democracypopulist democracypolitical change in the Philippines擺盪於自由民主與非自由民主之間:菲律賓政治變遷之研究(1972-2020)Wavering between Liberal Democracy and Illiberal Democracy: A Case Study of the Political Change in the Philippines from 1972 to 2020學術論文