康台生教授陳韻如2019-09-052014-8-162019-09-052009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0596631108%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103302數位時代的來臨,人們的生活模式思考或互動的方式跟以往完全不同,且變異性快速,藝術創作也因此產生了全新的風貌。在數位的世界裡,創作者利用各種數位化的工具,開發各種形態的藝術數位化作品,讓觀賞者能夠普遍地享受更高品質的藝術創作。數位攝影的普及化帶動人們有著不同的休閒生活外,亦產生可輕易自行創作的視覺體驗。對於以視覺呈現的相關藝術媒體,更帶來了前所未有的視覺與實務革命。數位藝術與傳統藝術最大的不同點即在於數位技術的運用,並影響著創作精神的本質內涵,是現代設計者都想嚐試的創作方式。 影像處理 (Image Processing) 是目前視覺傳達設計功能最迅速強大的設計方式,科技進步的壓力改變了設計習慣,身為設計工作者也必須認清並接受並隨時學習新的電腦科技,讓觀賞者能有耳目一新的視覺感受。 本論文研究動機經由文獻整理探討影像的本質,分析其在視覺傳達設計領域中之運用,並探討數位化媒材演進及特性,從視覺傳達設計的觀點為切入點,利用數位攝影與影像合成的基礎技法,以法國作曲家德布西作品《前奏曲》為創作主題根據用於表現音樂性的海報設計。以驗證理論與實務之均衡以為本研究創作成果。 最後,僅以本研究的展出與呈現,企求以作為未來投注於設計工作之礎石。研究創作中仍有許多構想受限於時間倉促,尚未能再加以深究實現,期許留待往後續補足完整有更深廣的發展。The arrival of digital era has completely changed the way people live, think, and interact with each other; it also materialized in such a rapid fashion that the world has never seen before. Consequently, brand new forms have been brought to the process of creation in art. In the digitalized world, a vast array of computer tools are for artists to create numerous forms of art digitally, allowing a more widespread appreciation of higher-quality artistic creations. Meanwhile, the popularization of digital photography has not only made it a universal hobby among people, this also allows easier access of image creation to be experienced by people. As for media of art utilizing visual expression, the aforementioned phenomenon turns out to be a revolution unforeseen. All in all, digitalized forms of art differ most significantly from traditional forms of art by the application of computerized techniques. However, the essence of creation does not differ, even though all kinds of art could technically be expressed in digitalized forms. Image Processing is currently the most rapid, powerful method of visual communication design. The progress of technology has reformed most aspects of design. Therefore, as a designer, one has to recognize and be adaptable to the latest computer technology, so as to induce the freshness into works of design for the viewers to experience. The motivation of this essay is to research the essence of image, through analyzing related documents of how the essence of image is utilized in the field of visual communication design. And at the same time, the essay also involves in discussions of the evolution, and the features of digital media. Moreover, the author intends to apply fundamental techniques of digital photography and image processing, from a visual expression design point of view, to design a series of posters of visualized image of music based on the works of the French composer, Claude Debussy's “ Préludes”. The essay serves as the result of researching on the theoretical side, and on the other hand, the design of posters represents the work of proof on the practical side. Last but not least, the author is in the hope that this presentation of research would lay the foundation for efforts of future study on design. Due to limited time frame, many ideas and thoughts were left aside without being further researched and developed. The author wishes to fulfill that, for a more thorough complement of this research in the future. Key words: Digital Art, Digital Image, Digital Photography數位藝術數位影像數位攝影Digital ArtDigital ImageDigital Photography數位影像於海報設計之創作研究─以德布西樂曲海報設計為例The Research and Creation of Digitalized Image on Poster Design: Works Based on Claude Debussy's “ Préludes”