施令紅Shih, Ling-hung呂玉惠Lu, Yu-Hui2019-09-052016-08-232019-09-052016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0003682130%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/102893城市氣質代表城市所展現出來的內涵與文化,若將內涵與文化設定為一道佳餚,請問,城市該要用甚麼佳餚來滋潤市民、填滿投資者並吸引觀光客,是當今市民與政府需要共同重視的議題。 台北市作為2016年世界設計之都,正是希望透過國際大型設計活動,讓全球感受到台北的文化魅力、設計厚度、在地溫度,也希望傳達WDC精神給市民,邀請大家一起動起來,為居住的地方投注關心,共同為城市的美好努力。 本研究以「為台北市說故事」為研究主軸,透過「都市再生」概念,將城區內的故事、典故轉換為設計元素,並運用在公共座椅設計上,藉由使用公共座椅的過程,引導居民探索區域故事,除了將歷史變得有趣且隨時可觸及,當居民願意了解在地故事,產生更多的認同感與歸屬感之後,便能熱情參與在地文化活動,延續歷史並流傳後代。 本研究,先透過KJ法釐清文獻脈絡,獲得中山區及構成中山區鄰里名的由來,再採用曼羅思考法,發展出相關脈絡的設計元素,並且融入社會設計概念,創作出具有在地元素的公共座椅,期望以關懷人、關懷物、關心自己居住地的街道設施與環境,讓居民走出戶外交流,促進彼此間更緊密,增加參與活動和維護在地文化的意願。The temperament of a city reflects its own connotation and culture. If connotation and culture were to be a delicious dish, then what kind of dish would a city present its citizens to nurture them? The dish has to fill investors’ needs and attract tourists. These are the issues that citizens and the city government need to pay more attention to. Taipei City is the 2016 World Design Capital. The city aims to attract the world’s attention on its cultural charm, design capabilities and the passion of local people. Besides, the city also wishes to convey the essence of the World Design Capital to the citizens. The movement wishes to involve all the people and encourage them to care about their living enviroment ; it also strives to make the city better. The main axis of this thesis is to “tell a story for Taipei City”. The stories we find in each corner of the city are turned into design ideas, following the concept of “city recycling”. The design ideas are applied onto public seats. By using a public seat, the user is invited to explore a part of the city’s history. This not only makes history more fun and accessible, but also people would be more willing to take part in cultural events when they find more connections with their living place. This will allow history to go on, and to pass on to the future generation. This thesis employs the KJ method to arrange the documents in order. It allowed to determine the origins of the borough names in Zhongshan District, as well as the district’s name itself. It also uses the Mandala method to develop design ideas and include the concept of social design. It then creates public seats with local elements, in the hopes to have more people doing exchanges outdoors by caring more about each other and their own living place. This will increase the creation of local events and encourage people to preserve local culture.世界設計之都公共座椅街道家具在地記憶都市再生World Design CapitalPublic seatingStreet furnitureIn memorizeUrban regeneration從公共座椅 發現台北城市設計力Public Seating-Discovering the Urban Design strength in Taipei