張素玢Chang, Su-Bing王哲謙Wang, Che-Chien2022-06-082021-04-012022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/0178c23438d64388838857cfb1baea41/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116552本文透過觀察金門的牡蠣養殖業、養殖海域,探討金門的海界機制如何形成、運作。金門牡蠣養殖特色在於以石頭養殖牡蠣,此法養殖的牡蠣稱為「石蚵」。清代金門有買賣養殖石蚵海域的行為,具有契書證明。契書中記的四至範圍,顯示在養殖牡蠣的潮間帶,雖然難以辨別界線,民眾仍然有一套方法規範彼此的養殖區域。臨海村落為確保占有的生產空間,利用族譜、碑刻、契書、界址等物件,主張海域的歸屬為自己。自明代實施海禁以來,沿海村落從事海洋活動的範圍限縮,侷限在沿岸地區,因此臨海村落為了擴大生產活動,與其他村落競爭生產空間。金門海界的機制即是在各村落彼此競爭海域的衝突、協商、妥協下劃分的結果。這種機制又不斷地受到挑戰與折衝。海界的傳統持續至1949年,直到「古寧頭戰役」後金門受到軍事管制,海岸與從事海洋活動的民眾面臨軍方的各式管控、限制。戰火洗禮、軍事徵用等因素促成石蚵養殖的轉變,政府改以新式養殖法振興牡蠣養殖業。但1978年中國改革開放,兩岸局勢緩和,走私猖獗導致牡蠣市場萎靡。1992年金門解除戰地政務後,因為軍事管制、市場萎縮、從業人口老化與產業結構改變因素,村落海界的功能衰退、消滅。This article delves into the formation and operation of the “boundary of the tidal flat” mechanism in Kinmen County by observing the county’s oyster farming and aquaculture areas. The feature of Kinmen’s oyster farming lies in cultivating oysters with stones. Thus, the breed is named as “Stone Oyster.” During the Qing Dynasty, Kinmen residents were engaged in the transactions of oyster aquaculture areas. This overall process was certified on the deeds. The meets and bounds recorded in the deeds reveal that although it was difficult to distinguish the boundaries of the tidal flats, people still figured out a way of their own to regulate oyster farming areas for each other.Littoral villages utilized genealogy, inscriptions, deeds, and boundary markers to claim the ownership of certain sea areas. Due to the implementation of “haijin” in the Ming Dynasty, marine activities of the littoral villages were limited to coastal areas. Thus, the littoral villages competed with each other to expand production space for aquaculture. The mechanism of tidal flat boundaries in Kinmen was cradled in the conflicts, concessions, and compromises of villages competing for maritime areas. The mechanism itself was then constantly challenged and negotiated.The tradition of boundary of the tidal flat was preserved until the year 1949, when Kinmen came under military control after the Battle of Guningtou. The coastal areas and people engaging in marine activities were faced with a variety of regulations and restrictions from the military. Military confrontation and expropriation, among other factors, led to the reform of stone oyster farming. One such reform was a government initiative to implement new oyster-farming methods to revitalize the industry. Upon the 1978 Chinese Economic Reform, however, moderating cross-strait relations resulted in rampant smuggling and a shrinking oyster market. The Battlefield Administration in Kinmen was deactivated by the Ministry of National Defense (Republic of China) in 1992. Due to the ensuing military regulations, market recession, aging employment population, and industrial structure changes, the functions of the boundary of the tidal flat declined and eventually vanished.牡蠣養殖海界戰地政務oyster farmingboundary of the tidal flatbattlefield administration海的界線-以金門牡蠣養殖為探討Boundary of the Tidal Flat:A Case of Oyster Farming in Kinmen學術論文