宋修德吳清基Sung, Hsiu-TeWu, Ching-Ji龔雅雯Kung, Yea-Wen2019-09-042020-12-302019-09-042015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0897700055%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98680本研究旨在建構一套適合我國高級職業學校整合性績效評鑑指標體系,據以評鑑各高職學校辦學績效,進而提升學校教育品質。具體而言,研究目的有三:探討我國高職學校績效評鑑之發展現況;建構高職學校整合性績效評鑑指標架構與內涵;歸納高職學校整合性績效評鑑指標重要程度及適切程度,以提供應用參考。為達成上述目的,本研究先進行文獻分析,後續進行二回合德懷術問卷調查,並運用柯-史單一樣本考驗法分析各項參考效標重要程度及適切度。 根據研究結果分析與討論,提出2項結論,其一針對我國高職學校績效評鑑實施現況,發現高職學校校務評鑑作業及指標架構完整,其餘綜合高中、實用技能學程及建教合作班之訪視指標內容較為鬆散;而各學制或學程內容與整體校務績效相關,惟缺乏統整性績效評鑑機制。另一則提出高職學校整合性績效評鑑指標架構與內涵,在現行校務評鑑的8個評鑑項目架構下建構161項參考效標。此外,本研究亦分別就教育行政機關、高職學校及後續的相關研究提出13項建議,以供相關單位與人員及進一步研究之參考。The study is aimed to construct a set of integrated performance evaluation indicators based on which to make evaluations on performance of vocational senior high schools so as to promote school’s education quality. Practically speaking, there are three main objectives in this study: to investigate the development status of vocational senior high schools’ performance evaluation; to construct the framework and content of integrated performance evaluation indicators for vocational senior high schools; to summarize the level importance and appropriateness of integrated performance evaluation indicators as application reference. To achieve the above, the study proceeds with document analysis, followed by two rounds of Delphi Technique Survey by applying Kolomogorov-Smirnov one sample test to analyze the level importance and appropriateness of each validity criterion. According to the analysis and discussion of study result, two points are concluded, firstly, on the implementation status of performance evaluation of vocational senior high schools in Taiwan, it is found that the framework of vocational senior high schools evaluation indicators is complete whereas the comprehensive high school, practical skill educational program, and cooperative education program compare loose; the content of educational program and school system is relevant with school’s comprehensive performance except being lack of systematic mechanism in integrating performance evaluation. Secondly, to propose an integrated framework of performance indicators for vocational senior high schools by constructing 161 items of reference validity criterion under the existing 8 school evaluation items. Moreover, the study also comes up with 13 suggestions for the education administration authority, vocational senior high schools and the consecutive research for reference in the follow-up study.高級職業學校綜合高中實用技能學程建教合作績效評鑑評鑑指標vocational senior high schoolcomprehensive high schoolpractical skill programcooperative educationperformance evaluationevaluation indicator高級職業學校整合性績效評鑑指標建構之研究A Study on the Construction of Integrated Performance Evaluation Indicators for Vocational Senior High Schools in Taiwan