葉國樑曾治乾Yeh, Gwo-LiangTseng, Chie-Chien簡琬麗Chien, Wan-Li2019-08-282020-10-252019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0004053119%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87324本研究主旨在探討台北市某科技大學學生飲用含糖飲料消費行為及其相關影響因素,以106學年度就讀北市某科技大學五專新生全體學生為母群體,採橫斷式調查法,利用自填式問卷,共發出215份問卷,回收有效問卷共136份,將有效問卷進行編碼,以單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關係數和複迴歸分析等方法進行描述和推論統計。 重要結果如下: 一、研究對象為北市某科技大學五專新生,家庭以低社經地位者較多佔五成,獲取含糖飲料便利性大多數在距離住家走路5分鐘內即有販賣飲料商店,以居住家裡為多佔八成八。 二、研究對象含糖飲料一週平均飲用量為2150cc,資訊科系研究對象在含糖飲料消費知識顯著大於餐管科系學生,在我是否擔心含糖飲料會發胖的態度方面,行銷科系研究對象態度顯著大於電機科系學生,居住家裡及住宿在校者對於拒絕飲用含糖飲料自我效能顯著大於校外租屋者。而距離住家走路11分鐘以上才有販賣含糖飲料商店對於拒絕飲用含糖飲料自我效能顯著大於住家走路5分鐘內。含糖飲料消費行為方面,到學校上課前及和朋友出去時會購買含糖飲料以行銷科系顯著大於外語科系學生。 三、「飲用含糖飲料態度」與「飲用含糖飲料消費行為」已達統計上顯著水準,呈低度負相關。表示研究對象對含糖飲料態度愈正向,飲用含糖飲料消費行為愈少。「拒絕飲用含糖飲料自我效能」與「飲用含糖飲料消費行為」呈中度負相關。表示拒絕飲用含糖飲料自我效能愈強,飲用含糖飲料消費行為愈少。 四、「居住狀況」、「家庭社經地位」、「拒絕飲用含糖飲料自我效能」對研究對象飲用含糖飲料消費行為具有預測力,其中以「拒絕飲用含糖飲料自我效能」對學生飲用含糖飲料消費行為之解釋力最大。The purpose of this study is to explore the sweetened beverages consumption behavior and its influencing factors among students in a university of science and technology in Taipei City. A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was adapted for the first year junior college students enrolled in 2016. A total of 215 questionnaires were sent out, 136 valid questionnaires were reclaimed. The questionnaires were coded and analyzed with single-factor variance analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient and complex regression analysis. The main results are summarized as follows: 1. Over 50% of the subjects were from low social economical status family. Eighty eight percent of the students lived at home. For most of the students, sweetened beverages can be accessed from shops within 5 minutes walk. 2. The average consumption of sweetened beverages was 2150 cc a week for each subject. Students with information science major had better consumption knowledge of sweetened beverages than students from restaurant management department. Students from marketing department were more concern about gaining weight from drinking sweetened beverages than students from electrical engineering department. Students lived at home or dormitory had better self-efficacy on rejecting sweetened beverages than students lived in rental apartments. Students lived far away from shops had higher self-efficacy on rejecting sweetened beverages than those lived close to shops. Students from marketing department had more sweetened beverages consumption behavior than students from foreign language department. 3. The subjects' attitude toward drinking sweetened beverages were negatively correlated to behavior of sweetened beverages consumption. The more positive attitude the subjects had, the less consumption of sweetened beverages consuming behavior they performed. There was a modest negative correlation between self-efficacy of refusing sweetened beverages and behavior of consuming sweetened beverages, which means the stronger of the self-efficacy of refusing sweetened beverages the subjects had, the less sweetened beverages consuming behavior they performed. 4. Living status, family social economical status, and self-efficacy of refusing sweetened beverages are predicting factors of subjects' behavior of sweetened beverages consumption. Among them, self-efficacy of refusing sweetened beverages is the most powerful prediction factor for behavior of sweetened beverages consumption. Keywords: sweetened beverages, self-efficacy, attitude toward sweetened beverages,behavior of sweetened beverages consumption, junior college students含糖飲料自我效能含糖飲料態度飲用含糖飲料消費行為科技大學學生sweetened beveragesself-efficacyattitude toward sweetened beveragesbehavior of sweetened beverages consumptionjunior college students某科技大學學生飲用含糖飲料消費行為及其影響因素研究A Study on the consumption behavior of sweetened beverages and its Influencing factors among students of an university of science and technology