國立臺灣師範大學政治學研究所王冠雄宋承恩2014-12-022014-12-022009/6-200http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/373012007年漁業工作公約運用「港口國管制」制度以確保該公約規定之遵從與執行。本研究之目的在於探討運用港口國管制制度以執行國際勞工公約之程序環節,並分析檢討我國實施港口國管制制度之現況與現行法令,據以對我國推動執行漁業工作公約之可行性與執行策略,提出建議。The mechanism of “port state control” (PSC) is employed in ILO Convention Concerning Work in the Fishing Sector 2007 to ensure the compliance and enforcement of the treaty provisions. This study sets out to review the procedural aspects of the PSC mechanism, in particular those in relation to implement ILO conventions. At the same time, the current legal regime and practice of PSC in Taiwan is reviewed, so that recommendations can be made on the feasibility of and the strategies for the implementation of the 2007 Convention in Taiwan.國際勞工組織2007年漁業工作公約港口國管制公約之遵從與執行ILOWork in the Fishing Sector Convention 2007Port State ControlCompliance and Enforcement Of International Agreements我國推動聯合國勞工組織所通過之「漁業工作公約」之可行性與執行策略研究---港口國管制部分A Study on the Feasibility of and the Strategies for the Implementation of the ILO Work in the Fishing Sector Convention in the ROC---Focusing on the Aspect of Port State Control