鄭志富林國欽2019-09-052005-1-172019-09-052005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2005000014%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106051國營事業的積極投入,對國家整體競技運動水準之提昇,具有莫大之重要性。目前經營運動代表隊之國營事業,每年投入大筆經費預算於訓練運動代表隊上,既需支付選手營養金,亦需負擔選手之薪俸及退休金,甚至所投入之經費只能當作費用提列,這對國營事業本身具有何助益?因此,本研究乃欲站在一位退休運動員及運動管理研究者的專業角度,深入探討國營事業的投入,其經營動機、考量因素、內部員工支持程度為何?以及民營化後是否有所影響? 本研究以A公司林副總經理及會計室主任為個案訪談對象,針對經營運動代表隊之動機、考量因素及民營化後之影響之主題進行訪談;並以「國營事業內部員工對經營運動代表隊之支持程度調查問卷」為研究工具,對A公司內部員工491位進行問卷調查,以描述性統計及單因子變異數分析進行資料處理。經由訪談及問卷調查後發現: 一、國營事業經營運動代表隊之最主要動機為回饋社會,其餘為宣傳效果及替國家爭取榮譽;另外,國營事業經營運動代表隊之考量因素與企業贊助運動之考量因素不盡相同,分別為回饋社會、宣傳效果、替國家爭取榮譽、球隊能不能有很好的表現、適合東方人的體型等。 二、整體A公司員工對經營運動代表隊之支持度相當高,但若涉及員工利益部份,則支持度呈現略微下降;服務年資深的員工在健康意識、經濟能力及紅葉少棒歷史背景等因素影響下,呈現支持度較年資淺的為高;有運動習慣之員工較無運動習慣者,因對周遭運動相關事物較感關注,因此,對運動贊助或經營運動代表隊之相關議題,呈現支持度高於無運動習慣之員工。 三、民營化後,受訪者認為,初期應不至於影響其經營動機與考量因素,還是會維持與民營化前一樣的政策,不會有太大的改變,惟棒球隊可以變成一支職業化的球隊,為母公司帶來收入。In fact, the vigorous participation of the state-owned enterprises plays a key role in improving the entire level of athletic sports within the nation. The enterprises that run a team has to influx a great amount of budget on the training of the team, providing the players nutrition allowances, salary as well as pension. Hence, this research is based on the perspectives of a retired athlete and a sports management researcher, to study in depth the participation of the state-owned enterprise in running a sports team, the motive, considered factors and the employee’s degree of support. Furthermore, the influence on the state-owned enterprises after privatization will also be discussed. This research interviewed Mr. Lin, the vice general manager of Company A and the supervisor of the accounting office as the subject of the case, we tend to proceed the interview base on the three key points, the motive of participation, considered factor, and the influence of privatization. A questionnaire on “The degree of support of the employees of state-owned enterprises on the enterprise managed sports team” was distributed to and then finished by 491 employees of Company A. The collected data was processed with descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA. Through interview and the investigation of questionnaire, it is found that: 1. The main motive of the state-owned enterprises managed sports teams was to repay society, advertising purposes and to strive for the nation’s honor. Besides, the considered factors of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises on managing sports teams were not exactly the same, the factors included the purpose of repaying the society, advertising, strive for nation’s honor, the potentiality of the team and whether the game suits the size of the Orientals. 2. The average degree of support of the employees in the state-owned enterprises lay between support and highly support. But, if it conflict to the employees’ benefits, the degree of support decreases; yet, years of service in the company and sports habit made significant variation. 3. According to the interviewee, after privatization, the enterprise will still remain on the same policy as it was before privatization, it will not affect the motive and considered factors in managing the sports team. However, managing a baseball team is different from a table tennis or a badminton team, as it has the potential becoming a professional team, which will bring profit to the company.國營事業民營化動機考量因素state-owned enterpriseprivatizationmotiveconsidered factors國營事業經營運動代表隊之個案研究-以A公司為例