周遵儒Tzren-Ru Chou呂律民Lu-Min Lu2019-09-042012-8-272019-09-042012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697720083%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99794在音樂表演場合中,觀眾通常被動的接收表演者所演出之音樂,這種看似單向的訊息傳遞,實際上卻隱含著某種程度的互動。觀眾會透過諸如歡呼、吶喊、鼓掌等情緒聲響回應音樂的演出,而技術純熟的表演者會透過觀眾對音樂之情緒表現,對音樂演出進行調整,藉此提高觀眾的情緒,以達到與觀眾之間的共鳴。 本研究之目的,在於開發一套以人聲以及掌聲為驅動之互動音訊效果器裝置,藉此達到音樂表演場合中,表演者與觀眾透過音樂產生互動。裝置之設計以麥克風擷取觀眾發出之情緒聲響如:歡呼、尖叫、吶喊、掌聲,將接收到之聲音訊號進行特徵偵測後,轉換為相對應之音訊效果器參數與音樂節奏參數,造成不同的音樂訊號濾波效果與節奏改變輸出。裝置設計結果採用專家訪談方式,邀請業界相關專家對互動裝置進行評估並提出改進建議,並評估互動裝置應用於音樂表演場合的可行性。藉由本研究之互動裝置的開發,觀眾能夠透過對音樂的情緒聲響即時改變表演現場的音樂回饋,藉以加強觀眾對音樂表演之參與感,以及增進音樂表演中觀眾與表演者之間的互動。 關鍵詞:音訊互動、音訊效果器、音高偵測、節拍偵測At performance space, the audiences usually one-way receive the music played by performers. A good performer will observe audiences' emotion expression and adjust the music to improve audience's emotion. In order to improve the interaction between performers and audiences, the purpose of this study is to develop an interactive device driven by voice and clap sound. Firstly, the input unit record audience's expression voice and clap sound with microphone; then the process unit will analysis characteristics of the sound and mapping it to parameters of audio effector and music tempo; finally the output unit will filter the ongoing music and adjust music tempo with the result of process unit. Audiences can adjust music feedback by their expression sound and clap sound at performance space. Performers and audiences could make a better musical performance and obtain more interaction together with the interactive device.音訊互動音訊效果器音高偵測節拍偵測Audio interactionAudio effectorBeat detectionPitch detection人聲與掌聲驅動之音訊互動裝置開發及其應用研究A Study on the Development of Audio Interactive Device Driven by Voice and Clap Sound with its Applications