陳嘉凌Chen, Jia-Ling張郁瑄Prasetio, Jessica2024-12-172024-08-062024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ae999ea4433bdb2f41e1ccc3cd9110e4/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122244自1960年代中期蘇哈托執政時期,印尼實施了排華政策,全面禁止華語教育,導致華文學校的關閉和華人文化的衰落,進而使得印尼華人華語普遍弱勢,隨著近年臺灣政府推動「新南向政策推動計畫」,從而提高印尼學生來臺讀書意願,華語學習需求市場也日益增長。據111學年度教育部的統計資料顯示,印尼境外生來臺求學人數總計為16,639人,其中學位生人數為9,662人,分別為學士班7,034人,碩士班1,329人,博士班1,103人,先修部159人,專科37人,印尼已為來臺境外學生人數之第二名。然而,目前市面上尚未有專門針對印尼學生設計的留學華語教材。本研究的主要目是為想要來臺灣讀大學的印尼高中生設計一份實用的留學華語教材之範例,以幫助他們掌握來臺留學必要的知識和技能,協助他們迅速融入臺灣的大學生活。本研究採用「問卷調查法」、「深度訪談法」、「專家評鑒」及「學生評鑒」作為研究工具。本研究之過程為蒐集與此研究相關的理論與文獻,確定教材的每一課主題後進行問卷調查及深度訪談調查,以了解印尼學生對留學華語教材之需求,從學生的回饋,提出教材編撰設計原則,接著設計教材之範例,由專家及學生評鑒此教材。最後提出本研究的結論與建議,希望本研究的結果及教材範例可以供後續的研究者參考。Since the mid-1960s, during Suharto's presidency, Indonesia implemented anti-Chinese policies that completely banned Chinese language education, leading to the closure of Chinese schools and the decline of Chinese culture. Consequently, the Chinese language skills among Indonesian Chinese have generally weakened. With the recent promotion of Taiwan's "New Southbound Policy," the desire of Indonesian students to study in Taiwan has increased, and the market demand for Chinese language learning has also been growing. According to statistics from the Ministry of Education for the 2022 academic year, the total number of Indonesian students studying in Taiwan is 16,639, including 9,662 degree students, among which 7,034 are undergraduate students, 1,329 are master's students, 1,103 are doctoral students, 159 are preparatory students, and 37 are junior college students. Indonesia has become the second-largest source of overseas students in Taiwan. However, there is currently no Chinese language textbook specifically designed for Indonesian students studying abroad. The main objective of this study is to design a practical example of a Chinese language textbook for Indonesian high school students who wish to study at universities in Taiwan. This textbook aims to help them acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for studying in Taiwan and assist them in quickly integrating into university life in Taiwan. This study employs"questionnaire surveys," "in-depth interviews," and "expert evaluations" as research tools. The research process involves collecting relevant theories and literature, conducting questionnaire surveys and in-depth interviews after determining the topics of each lesson in the textbook, to understand the needs of Indonesian students for a Chinese language textbook for studying abroad. Based on the feedback from students, principles for textbook compilation and design are proposed, followed by the design of a textbook example, which is then evaluated by experts and students. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations of this study are presented, hoping that the results and textbook example can serve as a reference for future researchers.印尼學生來臺升讀大學留學華語教材編寫Indonesian studentsStudying in TaiwanUniversity enrollmentChinese language for studying abroadTextbook design「印尼學生來臺讀大學必備知識」教材之需求分析與編寫設計Requirement Analysis and Textbook Design of Essential Knowledge for Indonesian Students Enrolling in Taiwan Universities學術論文