溫信學莊惠絜2019-08-282017-7-12019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699380100%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86083本研究目的在於以正向積極的觀點,藉由探討社工人員職場幸福感的發展歷程與經驗中,了解社工人員的優勢與長處如何在多元化與全球化的服務環境生態下,協助自身在付出專業知能與生命時,能兼顧服務品質、管理效率與個人身心平衡與健康;以及如何在工作付出中獲得幸福感,進而歸納出提升社工人員職場幸福感的因素並提出相關建議。基於此,本研究以質性深度訪談的方式,共邀請10位資深社工人員與主管受訪。最後,本研究獲致的結論如下: 一、 社工人員對職場幸福感的詮釋 社工人員在投入參與的過程中發揮自己的優勢與長處,學習與開發潛能,進而滿足到個人的需求,獲得成就感與價值感。雖然,和其他專業或機構間工作人員福利的差異而產生些微的失落感,但未對整體幸福感有多大的影響力,且在工作中與他人互動的正向外顯行為與表徵符號皆會引起他們正向的情緒感受,透過有目的性的社會互動,與他人互相了解與溝通,建立品質良好的關係,進而在工作中產生職場幸福感。 二、 社工人員職場幸福感的發展階段 社工人員在實務工作場域中,如何建構其幸福感或者讓自己過更幸福的職場生活,從研究結果發現主要分成四個階段:幸福無感期、初嚐幸福期、幸福波動期、幸福昇華期。 三、 職場幸福感對社工人員的意義 擁有職場幸福感讓社工人員覺得特別重要,而且具有正向的意義。從研究結果發現職場幸福感代表個人在工作上有隸屬的自我肯定,有品質的關係連結,有方向的潛能發展,與讓他們在工作、生活上走更長遠的路。此外,擁有職場幸福感會促進工作效能、增進專業承諾、發展幸福生涯、建立優勢資源、營造正向工作情境。 四、 提升職場幸福感的因素 社工人員在不友善的整體工作環境下仍然有幸福滋味的產生,可從個人優勢長處、完善組織制度、友善工作環境、展現專業良善四個層面了解。 五、 提升職場幸福感的建議 根據以上研究結論,分別針對社工人員、機構組織、政府制度與未來研究提出相關建議。The purpose of this study is from positive point of view, through the study of development process and experiences of social workers’ well-being in the workplace, understand under diversified and global service envirornment, how can social workers use their advantages to assist themselves when they devote their professional knowledge and life also can take care service quality, management efficiency and individual mental and physical balance and healthy; and how to gain well-being during the work. Then conclude the factors of improving social workers’ well-being in the workplace and provide the related suggestions. Based on the above, this study is qualitative research by in-depth interview, total invite 10 senior social workers and managers to join the interview. At the end, this study’s conclusions are as below: I.Social workers’ interpretation for well-being in the workplace During the participation, social workers bring their own advantages, learn and develop their potential, satisfy personal’s needs and gain the sense of achievement and value. Although, they feel a bit disappointed regarding the differenciation of benefits from the workers of other professionals or organizations, but do not have huge impact on the overall well being. Social workers do have positive emotion and feeling when they have positive interaction with others during the work. They can develop well-being in the workplace through on purpose social interaction,understand and communicate with others, establish the relationship with good qualities. II. Developing stage for social workers’ well-being in the workplace In real working environment, how can social workers build their well-being or have better well-being life in the workplace, from research result, we can find four stages : Well-being Non-sensible period, Well-being starting period, Well-being unstable period, Well-being improving period. III. The meaning of well-being in the workplace for social workers To own well-being in workpace is extremely important to social workers as well as its positive meaning. From the research result, we can find well-being can represent the individual’s self-affirmation in work, relationship connection with quality, potential development with direction and keep going in work and life. Besides, to own well-being can improve job efficiency, promote professional commitment, develop well-being life, establish advantage resource, build positive working environment.IV. The factors of improving well-being in the workplace From four aspects, personal advantages, complete organizations/systems, friendly working environments, perform professional goodness, we can understand the reason why social workers still can have the feeling of well-being under overall unfriendly working environments. V. The suggestion of improving well-being in the workplace According to the results of above research, provide related suggestions for social workers, organizations, government policies and future research repectively.社工人員職場幸福感social workerworkplace well-being社工的幸福劇本~初探台灣社工人員的職場幸福感The Social Worker’s Blessed Playbook ~An exploratory study on the subjective well-being of Social workers’workplaces in Taiwan