許嘉恩徐銘鴻2019-08-29不公開2019-08-292012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0595231111%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94206瞭解濕地環境是濕地保育與經營管理的基礎。本研究調查宜蘭無尾港野生動物保護區濕地周邊地區的水質與土壤化學性質,並分析研究區內土地利用與環境變遷的關係。希望能對濕地保育的經營管理上,提出適當的建議。 水質調查共16個採樣點,於2008年夏季(8月)與冬季(12月)進行採樣。分析結果顯示,研究地區的水質受到幾種不同性質的水源影響,在古河道處、湧泉處與封閉水域呈現不同的性質。保護區的水質除湧泉匯入區與外來淡水區之外,有部分地區受家庭與工業區排放廢水污染,已超過灌溉用水水質標準,其對當地農業的發展應有負面影響。且水質亦受冬天的降水影響,冬天雨多時,pH較高、鹽度較低、Eh偏正值。 土壤調查部分,以500公尺的方格系統對六種土地利用類型(包含灘地、樹林、林投林、水田、旱田和荒地)進行系統分層抽樣,共計36個採樣點,每點以30公分為一層,由上而下採取四層檢測。採樣時間在2008年夏季(8月)、2009冬季(1月)與2009年夏季(7月)。 比較各採樣點的Piper圖顯示,影響土壤化學性質的原因有二:一為研究地區的外來影響,如靠海與舊河道區多受海水影響,靠近北邊工業區的土壤也有疑似外來污染物影響;另一為研究地區內的土地利用類型,不同的土地利用影響到土壤化學性質的穩定,在六種土地利用類型中,水田的差異最為顯著,之後才是荒地跟旱田,顯示在農業活動中人為的擾動對土壤化學性質的穩定具有決定性影響。再從土壤分層剖面分析,土深30~60公分層與上下層之間都有差異,顯示人為擾動的深度多集中在此層以上。除了荒地外,其他類型都顯示出越往下層差異越不顯著的趨勢,顯示越往下層人為的擾動越少。比較不同季節的土壤化學性質,發現本研究區的年度與季節間有顯著差異,顯示此地的變化一直在持續中。 因此建議,控管濕地的各類人為干擾,以及對濕地變遷進行長期系統性的監測,當為濕地經營管理的首要之務。Understanding the wetland environment is the basis for wetland conservation and management. In this study, the water quality and soil chemical properties of wetlands in Wu-Wei-Kang Wildlife Refuge and its surrounding areas are investigated for analyzing the relationships between land use and environmental changes. The results are expected to make appropriate recommendations for the management of the wetland conservation. Water quality survey contains 16 sampling points, sampling in two seasons of 2008, summer (August) and winter (December). Analysis showed that the water quality of the study area is affected by different resources of water, for example, the waters atthe old river way, springs, and the closed areas presents different properties. Except the spring inflow area and the exotic freshwater areas, water quality of the Refuge is polluted by emissions of household and industrial area, even worse than the Criteria of Irrigation Water Quality. It could have a negative impact to local agriculture. The water quality is also affected by the impact of winter precipitation; more rain in the winter causes higher pH value, lower salinity, and Eh value trends to positive number. Soil survey by using 500-meters grid system applies stratified sampling of six land use types (including beaches, woodland, pandanus forest, paddy field, dry field and fallow land). A total 36 sampling points is selected. Each sampling profile is districted to four soil layers, 30 cm depth each layer. Soil samples are taken in the summer of 2008 (August), winter 2009 (January) and summer 2009 (July). Comparing each sampling point with Piper diagram, affecting the chemical properties of soil are considered by two reasons: One is study area outside influences, such as the sea and the old river way are more influence of sea water suspected foreign pollutants in the soil near the north industrial park. The other is land use types within the study area, the different land use affect the stability of the soil chemical properties. The paddy field is most significant difference in each sample. The similar type of agricultural areas, the fallow land and dry land, are significant difference too. It implies that the human disturbance of agricultural activities has a decisive influence on the stability of the soil chemical properties. The soil profiles also present that the human disturbance is significant only in the upper layers of soil. Comparing the soil chemical properties of different seasons and found a significant difference between the years. It shows that change of the soil properties in study area has been in continuous. The final concluded recommendations of this study are given: Human agricultural activities in wetland should be distinctive control, long-term and systematic monitoring of wetland changes is the first task of the management of wetlands.無尾港濕地土壤化學性質Wu-Wei-Kangwetlandssoil chemical properties宜蘭無尾港濕地周邊地區的土地利用與土壤化學性質之關係The relationships between land use and soil chemical properties of wetlands in neighborhood of Wu-Wei-Kang, I-lan