杜正治黃蕙蓮Hui-Lien, Huang2019-08-282006-6-302019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0592091219%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91595本研究目的在探討高職特教班就業轉銜現況與相關因素,本研究以台灣省中南部高職特教班教師為研究母群體,以問卷調查之方式進行研究,研究工具為自編之「高職特教班就業轉銜服務調查表」,所得資料經統計分析所得之結果如下: 一、就業轉銜服務之現況 全量表總平均數為3.89,顯示目前南部高職特教班之就業轉銜服務提供的狀況整體而言是不錯的。就業轉銜三層面之服務提供由高至低依序為:「課程設計方面」(M=3.99)、「職場實習、就業安置與追蹤輔導方面」(M=3.89)、「個別化轉銜計畫方面」(M=3.61)。 二、不同背景變項之就業轉銜服務之現況與差異情形 (一)都會區與非都會區學校在就業轉銜服務之提供上並無差異。 (二)不同障礙類別數學校在就業轉銜服務之提供上並無差異。 三、就業轉銜服務之相關影響因素 (一)高職特教班就業轉銜服務之影響相關因素中,「個人方面」是以「工作態度」最為重要的,第二重要是「工作適應能力」,第三則是「日常生活自理能力」。 (二)「家庭方面」重要影響因素依序為「家長教養態度」、「家長參與度」與「家長對子女的期待」。 (三) 「社區方面」前三順位之重要因素依序為:「社區實作機會」、「勞動市場需求」、「社區資源」。 (四)「學校方面」相關因素中,「與廠商合作之關係」、「與家長溝通程度」以及「職業輔導員的設置」係為前三順位之影響因素。 (五)「雇主方面」則是「雇用態度」、「雇主的特教知能」與「雇主對學生之訓練」為影響高職特教班就業轉銜服務之前三項重要雇主因素。 四、不同背景變項在就業轉銜服務相關因素之排序情形 (一)都會區與非都會區學校在就業轉銜服務相關因素之看法上並無差異,除了在「學校方面」之相關因素中,都會區與非都會區學校看法有差異,都會區學校選擇「與相關單位(如勞工、社政等單位)之合作」為第一重要之影響因素,而非都會學校則是認為「與廠商合作之關係」為最重要之因素。不同障礙。 (二)不同障礙類別數學校在就業轉銜服務相關因素之看法上並無差異。 最後針對研究結果,提出對學校、家長、政府、雇主方面與未來進一步研究之建議。The purpose of this research was to explore the current conditions and the related causes of employment transition services in special classes of senior vocational high schools in the Mid-South of Taiwan. All of the opinions will be as the references in making transition services plans in the future.The main spindle of this research is by questionnaires with a self-designed survey named ”A Survey of the Employment Transition Services in Special Classes of Senior Vocational High Schools.”The data were analyzed through statistical analysis. The results are summarized in the following: 1. The current conditions of the employment transition services offered for the students with disabilities students in special classes of vocational schools were not bad.The most well-done service was“curriculum arrangement”,the second was“vocational the third was “individual transition plans”. 2. The related causes of the employment transition services contain five dimensions: a.personal aspect:the most important factor was students’“work attitude”,the second was “adjustment of work”,and the third was “ daily-life arrangement abilities”. b.Family aspect:the three most significant factors were “parents’attitude for raising children”,”parents’ involvement”,and "parents’anticipation for children”. c.Community aspect:”the opportunities of community vocational practice”,”the needs of labor market”as well as“resources of the communities” were the most significant factors. d.Schoool aspect: the three most important school factors were“the relationship with manufacturers”, ”the degree of communication with students’parents”,and”the hire of employment counselors”. e.Employer aspect: ”the employers’attitude” ,”the cognition for disabilities of the employers” and “the employers’training students”were most significant factors. 3. The employment transition sevices offered by diffirent areas and schools with different amounts of students’disabilities were not found to be significant. 4. The related factors chosen by different areas and schools with different amounts of students’disabilities were not found to be different, except“collaboration with the related institutions ” was the most important school factor in city areas;in subured areas,“the relationship with manufacturers”was the most significant factor.就業轉銜高職特教班employment transition高職特教班就業轉銜服務現況與相關因素之探討The Study of the Current Conditions and the Related Causes of Employment Transition Services for Students with Disabilities in Special Classes of Senior Vocational High Schools.