朱友意呂麗華2020-12-102016-5-232020-12-102011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097603102%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115001什麼是生命的意涵?生命的價值又是什麼?生命的最後,總是無法抵抗,隨著時間遠去,記憶由漸漸增加再轉而漸漸模糊。筆者在這次創作中,表現個人對「老」這個狀態的探索與思考.尋著自己對人生的「體」及「悟」,將感動轉成畫面,再加上音樂及現成物所構成的氛圍,以更多層次表現,作品藉市井小民及老舊物件探討生活的無奈、真誠的力量及生命的有限與偉大。 本論文第一章以社會關懷角度來探討老人議題,由白居易的新豐折臂翁談起,引至臺灣社會建構過程中對老人生活的影響及老人的自我意象,並由現實社會舉正反二例反思當代老人的生命意義,和個人憂患意識的自覺。 第二章論及社會關懷在繪畫中的表現,包括寫實繪畫,黑白色彩繪畫,象徵的圖像及敘事畫等多方面呈現與探討。 第三章從筆者的理念形成到學習的領悟及創作的內容和形式著手。 第四章論述創作的媒材與技法和作品說明,本研究共提出作品二十二件,內容有人物類,以老人為主題,在靜物方面以老物件為主,形式上以具象繪畫表現,有象徵、寫實及敘事等,並加上音樂和現成物,企圖以更多層次來表達,在媒材技法上分傳統油畫及綜合媒材,並包括數位輸出等,嘗試當代媒材的多樣性及可能性。The meaning and value of life have always been controversial issues for human being. At the end of life, no one can resist with the memory enriched as well as fading away when the time passes by. In this series of work, the author tries to explore the status and thought of “aging” through her very own experience and insight about life. In addition to the conversion of emotion into pictures, she also combines the atmosphere composed of music and existing objects in her work, applying a multi-level analysis to discuss the helpless of people at the bottom of society and old objects, the power of sincerity, the infinity, and the greatness of life. In the first chapter of this research, the author employs the poem-Weng Bai Xinfeng folding arm written by Bai Juyi, to discuss the aging people subject in Taiwan from a social care point of view. Furthermore, it also points out the influences of the process of the social construction of Taiwan to aging people’s lives and self images. At last, it gives two opposite cases to introspect the life meaning of old people in contemporary society and their personal awareness. The second chapter discusses the expressions of social care in paintings, including realistic painting, black and white painting, symbolic images, narrative, and so on. The third chapter reveals the formation of the author’s idea, enlightens of learning, and the content and process of her work. The fourth chapter explains the media, techniques, and descriptions of author’s work. This research brings up twenty-two pieces of work, including portraits of old workers, and still life paintings of old object. The author uses the figurative paintings as the form to present her concepts. Not only does she apply multiple styles of symbolic, realistic, and historia paintings, she also attempts to combine the music the existing objects, and her own feelings to explore the multiples and possibilities of contemporary media through experimenting on the painting skills of traditional oil painting, complex media and digital output.懷舊回憶老物件reminiscencememoryold object舊念 - 平實中的真情Reminiscence ―True Feeling In Plain