陳淑敏Amy Shu-Min Chen2019-08-122019-08-122012-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81770本文探討我國大學應屆畢業生的背景變項(性別、族群、學校類型)、職場能力變項與其初職位置取得之關聯性,係以臺灣高等教育整合資料庫之調查進行資料分析與探討。研究發現包括:一、大學應屆畢業生的初職位置取得以「助理專業人員、技術員」所占比例最高,其次為「事務工作人員,而選擇繼續進修的比例為三成一,尚末決定者亦高達一成三;二、大學應屆畢業生對職場能力的知覺上,專業能力以「專業知識和技術」表現最佳,通識能力以「團隊合作能力」最高;三、大學應屆畢業生職場能力表現有群索現象,且因背景變項和學校類型的不同,其職場能力表現有所差異;四、整體模型具有二成二左右的解釋力,然而,背景變項的作用相當強烈。最後,本文提出後續實務和研究之建議。This article analyzed the relationships among college graduates' backgrounds,occupational competency, and the attainment of their first occupational status. Theauthor used the Taiwan Integrated Higher Education Survey Database to analyze the issue. The research found that (l) the highest percentage of the college graduates' first occupational status was “assistant and technical professional," while the second highest percentage was “ administrative personnel." About 31% of college graduates planed to go on to further education, and 13% were undecided concerning occupational decisions. (2)most college graduates in this study believed that “ professional knowledge and skills" was the best indicator of the professional competency, while “team-work" was the bestaspect of the general competency. (3) based on the variables of background and school type, the occupational competency of the college graduates demonstrated . (4) although the logic regression model accounted for about 21.9% of college graduates' first occupational status the background variables still demonstrated strong influence. This paper also provided suggestions for further research and practical application.大學畢業生初職位置取得職場能力教育機會高等教育college graduatesfirst occupational statusoccupational competencyeducation opportunityhigher education大學應屆畢業生的背景變項職場能力與其初職位置取得之相關研究A Study of Relationships among College Graduates' Backgrounds, Occupational Competency, and the Attainment of Their First Occupational Status