蘇淑娟Su, Shew-Jiuan詹鎰安Chan, Yi-An2024-12-172024-02-162024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/5d6e56496714b6bc0a85c8e953adb0ac/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122725本研究以瞭解志工組成情況、志工與民眾間的互動模式、場域未來發展可能性作為研究目的,將貴子坑水土保持教學園區作為研究場域、於此處服務之水土保持志工作為研究對象,深入探討導覽解說志工對解說場所發展的影響。首先,將透過問卷調查法收集水保志工的基本資料,以瞭解當前志工中隊的組成狀況,再藉由問卷調查法以及質性訪談法中取得之內容,探究其解說特質、解說方式、互動形式,最後再從參與觀察中記錄實際解說時志工與民眾間互動的情況,以及場域本身的狀態,最終將獲得的內容做統整,提出針對貴子坑水土保持教學園區的發展建議,包含志工的培訓與管理、場域的交通及環境、對外的行銷或宣傳等,以促進未來場域發展與推廣。本研究提供對解說志工以及解說場所之發展影響有深化的瞭解,也為其他類似場所的發展,例如其他水土保持戶外教室、或是坡地教育場域等,提供值得從永續發展或韌性發展角度思考可參考的策略與建議,期望能推動解說場所的永續發展與提升參觀體驗品質。This study aims to understand the composition of volunteer guides, interaction patterns between volunteer guides and the public, and potential future development of the site. The research focuses on the Guizikeng Soil and Water Conservation Educational Park, using its volunteers involved in soil and water conservation service as the subjects of the study. The study delves into the impact of volunteers guides on the development of the interpretative site.Initially, basic information about soil and water conservation volunteers was gathered through a questionnaire survey to comprehend the current composition of volunteers. Subsequently, through a combination of questionnaire surveys and qualitative interviews, the study explored the characteristics, methods, and interactive forms of interpretation provided by the volunteers. Finally, observations during actual interpretative sessions between volunteers and the public, along with the condition of the site, were recorded and analyzed. The results of all these procedures are synthesized to propose development recommendations for the Guizikeng Soil and Water Conservation Educational Park. These recommendations cover volunteer training and management, site transportation and environment, as well as external marketing or promotional strategies to facilitate future site development and promotion.Through this research, a deeper understanding of interpretative volunteers and interpretative sites is achieved. Additionally, it offers recommended strategies and suggestions for the development of similar places, such as other outdoor soil and water conservation classrooms or slope education sites. Ultimately, the study provides analysis to drive sustainable development of interpretative sites and enhance the quality of visitor experiences.導覽解說解說志工環境教育水土保持貴子坑Guided InterpretationVolunteer guidesEnvironmental EducationSoil and Water ConservationGuizikeng導覽解說志工對解說場所發展之影響:以貴子坑水土保持教學園區為例Volunteer Guided Tours and Their Impact on Interpretive Site Development : A Case Study of the Guizikeng Soil and Water Conservation Education Park學術論文