董貞吟Chen-Yin Tung曾珮翎Pei-Ling Tseng2019-08-282012-7-102019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697050165%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87960 本研究目的在瞭解大學生聽力保護行為及相關因素現況並探討「聽力保護教育課程」對其聽力保護知識、態度與行為意向的影響。研究對象為九十八學年度就讀於台北市某大學之大學生,自選修相同名稱通識教育課之班級中立意選取實驗組(n=95)進行二週共200分鐘的聽力保護教育課程介入,另選取一班(n=112)作為對照組。兩組於介入前後分別進行前測、後測。配對前後測樣本共得123份有效問卷,回收率約60%。研究結果發現過去一年內95.9%學生有使用耳機的習慣,且73.7%會於一週內使用3次以上;噪音性娛樂活動以音樂播放器居冠,每天使用者高達20.3%,26.8%每次平均使用時間長達2~3小時。聽力保護知識、態度與行為現況方面有83.7%學生於知識量表中,答錯一半以上題目,且22.0%學生從未自任何管道獲得相關知識,雖擁有正向的聽力保護態度,但20.0%學生從未執行任何聽力保護行為,而聽力保護教育課程介入後,對大學生的聽力保護知識、態度與行為意向均具有立即效果,依研究結果建議大學之健康、休閒、娛樂等相關課程,可加入聽力保護相關內容,並定期舉辦聽力保護相關衛教活動、加強學校宣導,以促進學生聽力健康。 The purposes of this study were to investigate undergraduates’ knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and other correlative factors in hearing protection, and to assess the effects of the educational hearing protection program. The subjects were selected from undergraduates who took the same General Education required courses. By using non-randomly assigned to the experiment group (95 samples) who received 200 minutes intervention curriculum in 2 weeks, and the control group (112 samples) who received nothing. A pre-test was administered before the intervention, and a post-test was administered after the intervention. Total 123 valid questionnaires were collected with 60% response rate. Results showed that 95.9% of the samples had the habit of using earphones and 73.7% of them used 3 times at least in one week; the favor noise recreational activity was using portable music player, 20.3% of the samples maintain every day usage and 26.8% of them keep 2-3 hours duration every time over the past year. Results indicated that 83.7% of the subjects have a lower score on the knowledge of hearing protection questionnaires. Among the selected students, 22.0% of them never learned the knowledge of hearing protection. For those who have positive attitudes towards the hearing protection, 20.0% of them did nothing in hearing protection. The effects of knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of hearing protection in the experimental group were significantly improved and outperformed than those in the control group after the intervention. Hence, we suggested university should put efforts on providing knowledge of hearing protection in the health or recreation courses, holding educational hearing protection activities regularly, and strengthening school advocacy to improve undergraduates’ hearing health.聽力保護噪音性聽力損失大學生Hearing ProtectionNoise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL)Undergraduates聽力保護教育對大學生預防噪音性聽力損失知識、態度及行為意向之影響研究A Hearing Protection Program for Undergraduates’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Intended Behaviors towards the Prevention of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss