國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所謝建成2015-07-032015-07-032010/08-20http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.tw/GRB_Search/grb/show_doc.jsp?id=2139169http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73549運用卡片分類法可獲取不同使用者對於網站使用的種種想法,並藉以分析可 提昇原有網站之使用性與資訊尋獲度,是相當具有成效的資訊架構建構與改善工 具。Paul 於2007 提出線性模式之修正型德菲式卡片分類法,以改善傳統卡片分 類法在時間、成本、以及成效三方面的弱勢,該項研究曾獲得資訊架構學會 (Information Architecture Institute)之獎助。雖然Paul 提出修正型德菲式卡片分 類法之實例以驗證其有效性,但經由本計畫之前導研究,以國立台灣師範大學圖 書館網站為個案,同時進行傳統卡片分類法與Paul 所提出之修正型德菲式卡片 分類法實驗,於統計分析比較結果後,修正型德菲式卡片分類法並未獲致較好之 成效。因此對於以線性模式之修正型德菲式卡片分類法提出質疑,是否Paul 為 節省時間因素而修改德菲法原有多回合之特質成為線性的實施方式所造成有效 性的弱勢?亦或是修正型德菲式卡片分類法其實施的限制所致?這些限制為 何?(例如受試者實驗的順序或是受試者專業程度)。本計畫除探討並實證上述 對修正型德菲式卡片分類法之質疑外,將基於德菲法之原有多回合之精神,進一 步提出『反覆式卡片分類法(Iterative Card Sorting)』,證實在時間因素可容 許下,其所獲致之成效是優於Paul 的修正型德菲式卡片分類法。同時於本計畫 中亦將探討所提出之反覆式卡片分類法,其反覆次數、成效與實施時間之間的關 係為何,以作為實際運用反覆式卡片分類法之參考。本計畫之內容為資訊架構領 域前瞻性研究,國內對於運用卡片分類法於資訊架構相關研究著墨不多,期望本 計畫之執行能有助於國內卡片分類法於資訊架構運用相關研究之開發。Applying card sorting can obtain various ideas of different users as using websites. To analyze the ideas can help in promoting the usability and findability of the original websites. The card sorting is a quite effective tool to build and improve information architectures. In 2007, Paul has proposed a linear modified Delphi card sorting in order to improve the weakness of time, effect and cost of traditional card sorting. This research has been rewarded Information Architecture Institute financial support. Paul has also given the instance to verify that the modified Delphi card sorting is effective. However, taking the Library Website of National Taiwan Normal University as a pilot studying case, we can have the Paul’s effective promise. We thus have queries about effectiveness of the modified Delphi card sorting. Whether the cause is raised by modifying iterative to linear implementation to save time? Or the modified Delphi card sorting has its restrictions? What are they? In this project we will first verify that the queries exist. Then, based on the original Delphi method, we will propose an 「Iterative Card Sorting 」. Under reasonable time limitation, we will prove that the proposed iterative card sorting is superior to Paul’s. We will also probe into the relationship of the number of iteration, effectiveness and time. This result will give references to practices of iterative card sorting. The project is the foresight research of information architecture. The researches about applying card sorting to information architecture are very rare in our country. We expect the project can promote domestic related information architecture researches.卡片分類法修正型德菲式卡片分類法尋獲度Card SortingModified-Delphi Card SortingFindability以反覆式卡片分類法評估網站資訊架構之效益研究The Effectiveness Study of Iterative Card Sorting Applied to Webs Information Architecture Evaluation