廖敦如Tun-Ju Liao2019-08-122019-08-122018-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/84064臺灣近年來有關藝術與設計實務導向的相關理論研究已開始萌芽,藝術課程的實務性應建基於「實踐性」,有實踐性才能產生實務的意義;再者,具有實踐性的行動課程,關心的面向應在於是否能以廣闊的視野來論述社會和文化意義。站在藝術教育的立場,教學者有責任將抽象的理論概念,轉變為實踐的行動,讓學生直接面對真實世界的問題,此過程才能產出知識改變的力量。另者,科技部近年亦重視大學的社會責任,期許高等教育能針對臺灣的重要社會議題,提出具人文關懷與學術創新的行動方案。因此,本研究採用為期1年半的行動研究,學生以分組實作的方式,探索各鄉鎮的農業產業文化,以及面臨的問題與困境。據此,本研究的目的為:一、應用「實務導向」的課程理念創造大學生對在地文化的關懷;二、以「社會實踐」的理念規劃地方文化為主軸的藝術設計課程。本研究結果為:一、以實務導向、地方文化為課程理念,可以激發學生「人文探索」、「科技應用」、「社會創新」、「族群關懷」等能力,具有整合性人才培育的效益;二、以社會實踐為課程發展模式,應重視「問題規劃」、「學習社群」、「教學者」、「學習者」等四個層面的設計。Studies on theories related to practice-led art and design have been conducted for several years in Taiwan. The practice of an art program should be based on practicality. Furthermore, a practical program must have social and cultural significance with a broad vision to become a topic of conversation. Therefore, teachers of art education are responsible for turning abstract theoretical concepts into practical actions for students to overcome the problems faced in real-world learning. The process of learning may yield the power of affecting change through knowledge. Moreover, the Taiwanese ministries of education and technology have recently emphasized the social responsibility of universities and expected that higher education students can propose social programs for various human concerns and perform academic innovation to solve crucial social issues in Taiwan. Consequently, an 18-month social activity study was conducted. Students were grouped to explore the agricultural culture and the problems encountered in the towns of Yunlin County. The purposes of this study were: (1) To identify college students’ concerns toward local culture by applying practice-led program ideas and (2) To plan an art design curriculum on the basis of the local culture with a primary focus on social practice. The following results were obtained: (1) Programs based on practice and local culture develop students’ abilities related to cultural discovery, technological application, social innovation, and group care. (2) Programs based on social practice should stress planning, the learning community, and teachers and learners.大學藝術與設計教育地方文化社會實踐問題解決導向實務導向研究local culturepractice-led researchproblem-based learningsocial practiceuniversity art and design education大學藝術與設計專業課程融入社會實踐之探究──以地方文化加值設計為例Integrating Social Practice into the Specialty Program of Art and Design in Universities: An Example of a Value-Added Concept for the Local Culture